Cleanrooms are those areas that are designed and constructed to control, monitor, and maintain the environment by eliminating the entry and spreading of contaminants like dust, micro-organisms and other undesirable hazards. Regulation of temperature, humidity proper channelizing of clean airflow and its filtration is also a concern in a cleanroom. Cleanrooms are essential in certain industrial sectors, medical and health care units and research laboratories. The reason for insisting on a clean room in these sectors is quite obvious. In the case of manufacturing units if the produce is edible or in other words to be consumed internally then it has to be manufactured with great amount of care and cleanness. This is because even a small amount of contamination proves to be hazardous and life threatening in certain cases. Likewise if the sector is pharmaceutical then it undoubtedly needs an extremely clean environment. A clean and well sanitized area is essential in the manufacturing process of food products as well. A cleanroom ensures that the manufactured produce is well protected from contamination and can be categorised as a high-quality product.
Cleanrooms are not just clean areas, sanitised and well kept, but are areas that are literally free from all possible contaminations like dust, microbes, unwanted chemicals and its fumes, and so on. In order to categorise the cleanrooms the ISO has made certain parameters, and has bifurcated them into various classes depending on the particulate matter present in the area of the cleanroom. While cleanrooms with the lowest number of particulate matter are considered as class I cleanrooms the cleanroom area with considerable particulates but yet can be considered as a cleanroom are categorised under the class 9 clean room where in it is considered as the lowest standards among the cleanrooms. However the industry which the cleanroom is to be maintained also depicts the class of the cleanroom. Research centres, laboratories, healthcare units, operation theatres, pharmaceuticals need class I cleanrooms, while the electronic and semiconductor industry may need a cleanroom of lesser grade. Then again the automotive industry that manufactures electronic circuitry may need a different class of cleanroom. It is not enough if just a clean space is constructed; it has to encompass all the equipment that is needed in a cleanroom as well. In order to do this once again a professional approach is very much necessary. The basic equipment that has to be considered as mandatory is the air filters, humidity controllers or dehumidifiers, air conditioners, specific instruments that are needed for the activities that are planned to be carried out in that cleanroom area. In case of research centres more scientific equipments are also needed. Airtech is one such company that has been consistent in supplying and servicing and maintaining the cleanroom equipment and cleanroom products, to a good number of clients. From scientific and cleanroom equipment to cleanroom lighting Airtech does it all. Airtech also provides Biologically Hazard Autopsy Room services in Singapore.