Happy 95th birthday to Hollywood's "Get Girl", Gene Eliza Tierney!





I can't tell you how thrilled I was to host this blogathon, as it was a chance to to celebrate and remember this woman that I adore so much. I want to thank everyone who spread the word and responded with so much enthusiasm! That's why I love the classic film community; everyone is so dedicated and supportive. And of course, a big, hearty thank you to everyone participating in the blogathon today! You can find all their fantastic entries below (updated as they come in):

The Musings of a Classic Film Addict: Where the Sidewalk Ends
The Stop Button:  Laura
A Shroud of Thoughts: The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood: The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
Cinema Gadfly: Heaven Can Wait


Cinema Cities: Leave Her to Heaven
Defiant Success: The Razor's Edge 

The Nitrate Diva: Leave Her to Heaven

The Flapper Dame: Gene and Oleg Cassini

I hope you sit back and enjoy one of your favorite Gene films or make a new discovery - maybe one that's featured here today.

Thank you all again, and happy birthday Gene! (Only 5 more years until the big 100!)