
Do plush toys need to be sterilized?

Recently, due to the epidemic, disinfection has been put on everyone's agenda. custom plush animals  So, do the plush toys around us need to be disinfected?


Of course the answer is yes! Plush toys are usually placed around us, and there will be some bacteria or dust attached to them over time, so how do we disinfect plush toys?


Method 1: sun exposure

Sun exposure is the easiest way to sterilize plush toys. But what we need to pay attention to is that our plush toys must not be exposed to strong sunlight for a long time. Because the material of the plush toy is more afraid of strong light exposure, once it is exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, it is very easy to damage the surface material of the plush toy, resulting in a decrease in its feel.


Method 2: Washing Machine

This method is not suitable for all plush toys. We must carefully check the plush toy label before machine washing. If there is a washing machine cleaning symbol on the label, it means that we can use the washing machine for cleaning. We can pour in a little disinfectant when cleaning, but we must choose those softer cleaners, otherwise it is very easy to cause damage to the plush toys. The cleaned plush toys should be placed in a ventilated place to dry in the shade to avoid prolonged exposure to strong light.





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