
Surgical vs. Non-surgical Double Chin Removal

We are often told to keep our chin up. However, it can be challenging when there is another chin holding it down.

There can be many reasons why a person has a double chin. It could be a sign of poor health, genetics, aging, and more. A double chin can, however, hamper your self-confidence, esteem, and social life. Thankfully, there are many ways to get rid of your double chin or reduce it.

Before we start with the ways to remove your double chin, let us tell you the causes of double chin first.


What causes a double chin?

A double chin is nothing but excess fat of the area underneath your chin. This fat may get collected for a number of reasons. Genetics is one of the major causes of a double chin. People with a family history of double chin are more likely to develop it. Weight fluctuations can also result in a double chin when your skin expands and contracts. Advancing age is another common factor in the appearance of double chin in many people. As you grow old your skin becomes less elastic and saggy.

Double chin reduction

Your posture is another major cause of the appearance of a double chin. The wrong posture can weaken your neck and chin muscles over time. As a result, the skin surrounding that area loses elasticity if the muscles are not used properly and frequently. Even though it can be challenging to prevent the onset of a double chin, it is possible to reduce it.


What is a double chin removal exercise?

Reducing your double chin can start at home only. Exercising is one of the best and most natural ways to burn body fat. So, by regularly exercising your overall body and muscles around your double chin, you can reduce the amount of fat around your chin. However, it is crucial to perform regular exercises for the best results.

While some people can effectively and efficiently reduce double chin, some cannot. In such cases, surgical or nonsurgical double chin removal is the only option.


What is non-surgical double chin removal?


If you’re looking for quick and immediate results, you can consider getting lipolysis treatment to reduce your double chin. Injection and laser are the main types of lipolysis treatments for non-surgical double chin removal. Injections involve a solution that digests fat and thus reduces the double chin. Injection lipolysis requires you to receive the treatment multiple times within the interval of 4 to 6 weeks for best results. On the other hand, laser lipolysis also targets fat cells but it is totally non-invasive and melts the double chin fat using heat energy from a laser beam. Both these procedures are painless.


Another great and nonsurgical way to remove your double chin is HIFU or high-intensity focused ultrasonic technology. It works just like laser lipolysis but rather than melting fat cells, it precisely remodels the underlying collagen. The collagen deposits are eventually remodelled by the body to give you a more defined chin. The treatment is also used for reducing loose fat around other areas of the body, such as thighs, abdomen, and back.


Radiofrequency technology designed for neck tightening can also sound useful for reducing double chin. Such devices help stimulate the production of collagen and promote elastic skin, blood circulation, and burn fat.


What are surgical double chin removal options?


Surgical liposuction of the neck is a great option to reduce the double chin. In this procedure, your surgeon will make small and strategic incisions in and around the treatment area to carefully target and remove excess fat cells. The end result will be a smoother, and more controlled under neck profile. Because neck liposuction is a surgical procedure, it may require a brief recovery period.

Neck lift

A surgical neck lift can also be recommended to reduce the appearance of a double chin. A surgical neck lift involves the removal of sagging skin and stubborn fat around the neck to give you a proper contour. Sometimes, a surgical neck lift can also be paired with liposuction to give you a comprehensive jawline rejuvenation. This process requires some period of downtime.


What does double chin removal cost?

The cost of double chin removal seconds on a variety of factors. Some of the common factors are the facility where you are getting your procedure, type of technique, expertise and experience of the surgeons, number of sessions required. Considering all these factors, the double chin removal cost can be anywhere between Rs. 5000 to 30,000 per session.

If you are uncomfortable with the appearance of your double chin and it is now affecting your confidence, get in touch with a reputed skincare


brand like Clinic Dermatech to seek immediate solutions to gain back your confidence.