
Mistakes to Avoid When Fertilizing your Plants

Fertilizers are good nutrition for plants and crops, guaranteeing healthier and better harvest. However, you have to be strategic with its application to avoid any potentially disastrous results. The article talks about some of the common mistakes you need to avoid when applying fertilizer to your plants and crops. 


Fertilizer play a crucial part in gardening and farming. Plants need nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium to thrive. From growing roots, strengthening the soil, and growing plants and flowers, nutrients are crucial for plant growth. However, most farmers and gardeners are unaware that the overuse or wrong choice of fertilize can affect crop health and quality. Be it a liquid fertiliser or granular, it should be used carefully to avoid any risks to crop health. Most fertilizes come with instructions and guidance on how they need to be applied to a crop. You must read it carefully and follow the instructions when using a fertilize else it can be risky for the plants and crops. In addition, you should avoid the following mistakes when applying fertilize to your crop.



Under Fertilization


If your plants are not growing and leaves are turning red or purple, it is a sign of under fertilization. Fertilization is a must for plant growth, especially when your soil is nutrient deficient. However, you must determine the correct level for fertilize application on your crop while following the manufacturer’s recommendations. A lack of nutrients or organic matter can also draw weeds, affecting the overall growth of the crop. If you see any signs and symptoms of under fertilization, it is time to retreat your soil with a good quality fertilize.


Over Fertilization


One of the common mistakes most people, especially beginners, make is overfeeding their garden. While you wish to provide your plants with regular nutrients and in bigger quantities for more benefits, it is possible for you to cross the limit and overfertilise the plants. Crops need a balanced portion of nutrients, and going off the level can affect their health and growth. Overuse of fertilize can burn a plant’s roots and make it prone to bugs and diseases.


Selecting a Wrong Fertilizer


Using the correct fertilizer type for your crop is essential to its growth and health. The right balance between nutrients for your crop is vital. Using a higher quantity of certain nutrients can lead to over fertilization and affect the presence of other nutrients in the soil. In such a case, your plants will become nutrient deficient as one nutrient present in a more quantity can affect or block the intake of other vital nutrients. It is wise to conduct a soil test before any planting, to determine the soil quality and nutrients the plants need.


Wrong Timing


An essential thing for the optimal growth of fertilizer application is the right timing. The best time for using fertilizer on your plants is 2 or 3 months before the fruiting season. Remember, applying fertilizers after the season is not effective since the plenty of nutrients unused by the crop can lead to the growth of weeds and parasite plants.


These are some common mistakes to avoid while using a granular or liquid fertilizer on your plants and crops.