
Best Cremation Service In Jaipur


Compassionate Cremation Care in the Heart of Jaipur

Heaven Gate Funeral Care: Your one-stop solution for compassionate end-to-end funeral services in Jaipur. We specialize in deceased body freezer boxes, Dead body transportation, hearse van services, and Cremations Service In Jaipur. Count on our expertise during difficult times.

Our Cremation Service leaves no detail untouched. From Anthyesti Kits to Moksh Vahini, Pandit Ji to Cremation Ground booking, Wood arrangements to Flowers and Ghee, and even Ash Collection Pooja (Pind Daan), we handle every aspect with utmost care. We understand the significance of these rituals and ensure nothing is overlooked.


Cremation plays a pivotal role in post-death rituals, particularly within Hindu traditions, as it facilitates the decomposition of the deceased’s body. This process entails the preparation of a wooden platform for the departed, accompanied by the placement of offerings like ghee and phool mala (flower garlands). Cremation ceremonies are typically carried out by the deceased’s family, where the body is cremated through the transformative power of fire. Subsequently, a day after, the family conducts the Pind Daan pooja, during which they collect the ashes for immersion in the sacred Ganges, marking a profound conclusion to the rituals. It’s noteworthy that while cremation holds significance in Hindu customs, burial is the more prevalent practice among Muslims and various other communities, reflecting the rich tapestry of after-death traditions.

Best Cremation Service Near Me

Process Of Cremation.

  • Prepare a wooden platform for the deceased.
  • Perform ceremonial rituals involving offerings like ghee and phool mala (flower garlands) on the platform.
  • The deceased person’s child or family member conducts the final rituals and initiates the cremation.
  • The following day, the family participates in the Pind Daan pooja, where they collect the ashes for eventual immersion in the sacred Ganges River, completing the ritual cycle.

Things Including In Cremation Service In Jaipur.

  • Anthyesti Kit – Heaven Gate offers a compassionate service with our Anthyesti kit package, delivering all essential materials right to your family’s doorstep for a dignified cremation process. This comprehensive kit includes clothing for the deceased, an arthi (ritual tray), ghee, flowers, Shree Ram chadar, and more. We’re here to ensure every detail is taken care of during this challenging time.
  • Moksh Vahini ( Hearse Van ) – Our Hearse Van service is here to provide compassionate assistance in transporting your loved one from their place of rest, whether it’s a hospital or home, to the nearby cremation ground. We offer various options, including Maruti ECO, Tavera, TATA 407, and even trucks, with decoration choices for the Moksh Vahini. Our mission is to give your beloved a grand farewell, ensuring a dignified and respectful journey to their final destination.
  • Pandit for last rite –At Heaven Gate, our Purohit service is dedicated to guiding and assisting your family through the intricate rituals of your loved one’s last rites. Our Pandit Ji begins at the home, ensuring proper rituals like Pind Daan and Ashirwaad are observed, providing support as the family bids their final farewell. Then, at the cremation ground, they oversee the essential rituals. The following day, Pandit Ji conducts the Ash Collection Pooja and helps gather the ashes for the sacred Ganga Visarjaan. Our Pandit Ji’s knowledge and guidance are always available, ensuring a seamless and respectful cremation process.
  • Cremation Ground Booking – Heaven Gate offers a convenient Cremation Ground booking service tailored to your location and preferred time. We go the extra mile by providing customizable decoration options to honor your loved one’s memory with dignity and respect. At the cremation ground, our dedicated team is there to assist you throughout the process, ensuring everything runs smoothly during this solemn time. Your peace of mind is our priority.


In Jaipur’s Cremation Service, we offer a range of options for your loved one’s final journey, including Electric cremation, Wood Cremation, CNG machine cremation, and Cow Dung wood cremation. Some of these options are eco-friendly, contributing to a cleaner environment. We are dedicated to providing choices that align with your values and preferences during this important farewell.

If you’re facing the same situation in Jaipur, reach out to our dedicated team for seamless coordination of cremation services. We provide comprehensive end-to-end cremation care in Jaipur. Connect with us at 9024369206 or visit www.heavengate.in for assistance. We’re here to support you during this challenging time.