
Modernizing Your Bathroom with the Help of a Vintage Vanity

bathroom vanities with tops settle for traditional bathrooms when any style is available to you. Bring interesting pieces from the past into the home to make it truly your own, and a good way to do this is to make use of vintage bathroom vanities. Purchase an old and interesting piece, add a new faucet and sink to it, and you are on your way to having a room that will be envied by all who enter. Whether you need a 36 in bathroom vanity or must find a much larger piece to fill an oversized room, there is sure to be an item that meets your needs exactly.

Use Cautiously

Although it would be great to find an antique and convert it for this purpose, do so with caution. Simply because a piece looks absolutely gorgeous on the auction floor does not mean you should automatically take it home and convert it into a 40 inch bathroom vanity. There is no need to make use of an authentic antique for this purpose, as the item may be damaged when it is retrofitted for a sink and faucet. It's best to use a reproduction piece and reserve the antique for another purpose.

Choosing the Right Style

The original vanities were nothing more than a washstand or wooden dresser with a pitcher and basin sitting on top. To recreate this feel, purchase a vintage washstand and add a washbasin and faucet. The choice of faucet will be dictated by the type of sink selected. For example, a vessel sink does best with a faucet that is mounted on the wall or one that features a tall arc. In contrast, when an undermounted or drop-in sink is used, a 36 inch bathroom vanity with top can make use of any type of faucet with ease.

Repurposing Old Furniture

To save money or customize a vanity to fit an odd space, consider repurposing an old piece of furniture. Again, don't use a true antique for this purpose, but there should still be plenty of options available to you. Although most vanities range in depth from 18 to 24 inches, you can use other sizes if they fit the space. The main thing to keep in mind when doing so is the placement of the sink. When using an oversized piece, situate the sink so that it is three to four inches from the front of the vanity. This ensures you don't have to reach too far and that water won't splash on the floor when the sink is used.

Be creative. An old buffet or desk may be the perfect item needed to finish your bathroom or you may go with something more conventional, such as an older vanity that brings to mind the past. The options are endless once you begin looking at every piece of furniture as a possible vanity, so have fun. Choose 30 bathroom vanity that speaks to you and complements your home. single bathroom vanity won't regret doing so in the long run.