
BlockChain Big

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Derek Neskow @Derek_Neskow · Jun 21, 2021 · edited: Oct 20, 2021



You and I are victims of surveillance capitalism where our identities are being exploited by greedy corporations. We are losing our freedom, our economic livelihoods are being compromised. Crowdpoint's Blockchain gives you access to products and services in a strong decentralized ecosystem(enclosed e-commerce community) which protects our identities and establishes a level playing field where small business and consumers alike can prosper.


We have heard the phrase, “our strength comes in numbers”.  Each new customer is “onboarded” onto the Blockchain making this ecosystem a digital identity community serviced by an excellent group of like-minded individuals. Our mission both as micropreneurs(as your distributor) and customers is to enlarge this community because the larger we are the more powerful we can become to strip away the monopolistic power of this mega corporate environment. The Human Identity is the data with value that powers all global commerce. It is the new global currency that powers the global economy. To put this into perspective the Human Identity, in the wrong hands, is driving 6 to 10 trillion dollars in global cybersecurity crime from all global commerce today.


Our businesses and communities are being divided, exploited, and censored. But ENOUGH! Let's regain our independence by seizing the moment. Let's Make our small businesses and middle-class Great Again. To help promote the growth of small business visit our online store and enjoy our fine products and services. Your onboarding to secure your digital identity is free with every purchase within the Advanced Medicine Exchange. Click on this link



Take it one step further: join our wonderful Crowdpoint team.

