Has your doctor asked you for Covid anti-body tests?
Well, they may also term it as Serology test too. Both are same. Here is what is this.
Antibody test is the screening of the antibodies in the blood which helps our body to fight against any unwanted particles inside our body like Corona Virus or any such virus or bacteria. The antibody test is done not for checking the virus in your body, but toc heck whether your body is having any antibodies who are able to fight against the corona virus.
Difference between covid test and covid anti-body test
Now what is the difference between the corona testing and corona anti-body testing.
This is a very important information which we must know and have clear idea too.
Corona virus testing is the screening test done to identify the virus itself in the body. It looks for the sign of corona virus which are active in the body. This type of testing is very simple and is just a way to tell whether you are having the virus in the body at the time of testing or not.
On other hand, the Covid anti-body test shows that you may have been affected by the virus earlier or may be still there present in your body. If you get the antibody test done, surely the physician can get an idea whether you have the antibody to fight the virus or not. Moreover, you may not be having symptoms of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and so may not be aware. An antibody test will show whether you are having it or not in proper way.
If doctor has suggested the Covid anti-body test for you, ask it from the Molina healthcare providers for the financial support to get the test done. Surely you can easily get it done.