
The Action Research Model of Organizational Development

Organizational development is a complex process. It uses multiple tools to carry back and forward feedback that makes an entity more responsive. It is implemented through a conventional process called the Research and action or the Action Research Model.

As the name suggests, Action Research Model consists of researching the areas that need change and acting upon them.

The Action Research Model comprises six components:


  1. Identification of the problem

The first step in Organizational Development is to identify the problem areas. The process begins with collecting data and an initial study into possible options.


  1. Understanding challenges

A thorough investigation is carried out to understand the challenges identified in step one. To understand problems at a deeper level, employee surveys are carried out, and focus groups are created. Most companies hire an organization development consulting firm or a leadership development consultant for organization development advice.


  1. Intervention Measures

Once the team or consultant identifies its challenges, a plan of action is put together, and the changes required are identified. These changes or improvements could include training sessions, seminars, team-building activities, improved communication measures, changing internal teams' structure, and such.


  1. Implementation of the plan

After identifying the intervention measures, the implementation phase of the Action Research Model commences. At this step, it is crucial to confirm that required changes are addressed with suitable action or necessary feedback is assessed to bring about the required change.


  1. Evaluation

At the evaluation step, the outcome is evaluated. Adjustments are made to ensure that issues identified are eliminated. Quite a few staffing companies in Dallas offer organizational development consulting too, you could hire one today and experience improved productivity at your firm.


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In a rapidly changing market, new problems can arise for organizations of all levels. The OD and Action Research Models are great tools that successful organizations quickly adapt.


For Original Post - https://globalstaffingconsultant.blogspot.com/2021/04/the-action-research-model-of.html