A mobile-friendly website is better than a typical desktop website. Here are some handy tips for developing a mobile-friendly website
Short description: In response to increased mobile device usage, here are some tips for developing a mobile-friendly website, such as loading speed and popups.
Mobile usage has been on the increase since 2003 that has skyrocketed during the last few years. An evidence is the fact that 53% of the total website traffic has been coming from mobile devices. Such significant figures call for a better mobile-friendly website, more likely a responsive website that adjusts to every different screen size.
An optimized and responsive website shows the same content when used with different devices. However, the layout and size of the element change accordingly. Hence, you won’t have to zoom in and zoom out to navigate through the website.
Hiring a website development company as Navicosoft offers you responsive websites with the best layouts. Furthermore, to help you ace the competition, we have a list of some handy tips to optimize a mobile-friendly website.
- Use of mouse
Obviously, there is no cursor to navigate through the website. Therefore, while you look for website development services, you must ensure the elements of the mobile version of your website is clickable with the thumb.
- Loading speed
No one has enough time to wait for your website to load. Stats indicate that mobile users require a maximum of 2 seconds of loading time. Typically, websites with complex user interfaces and heavy coding, heavy images, self-hosting videos take much more time than just 2 seconds. Henceforth, it is vital to improving your website loading speed for better leads to conversions.
- Website forms
For mobile-friendly websites, it always a good practice to keep the website forms short and brief. It is because typing on a smaller screen device is a bit difficult. Therefore, ask only for essential information in your forms. The lesser the typing, the better the experience would be, and the more mobile-friendly website will be.
- Popups
At this point, I can feel your pain. Popups are annoying on a desktop and much more annoying on a smaller screen, especially when you can’t figure out to close the popup.
So try avoiding pop-ups or use sparingly with the mobile version of your website.
- Website content
Though irrelevant, it is important to manage your website's content such that it looks as legible as on the desktop screen—for example, a paragraph of four lines.
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