Years back, iron was one of the most used metal because of its qualities of durability, versatility and most importantly, its abundancy. But the problem occurs when it rusts rapidly due to its susceptible nature. And to give a solution to this problem, stainless steel was invented.
Stainless steel is an iron chromium alloy. It is excellent in resisting to corrosion. Like other metals, it also contains carbon.
- Corrosion resistant
- Durable
- Temperature resistant
- High tensile strength
- Low maintenance
- Environment friendly(recyclable)
Farmers want to protect their farms by fences, gates etc. Here stainless steel becomes the best option as it is easy to fabricate as well as weld.
Every human being needs water to sustain and so as the animals. Here stainless steel provides a good role as the watering devices are made up of stainless steel so that any livestock does not get hurt. The agriculture industry favours stainless steel because the equipments can be made in the desired shape.
Ventilation is one of the most important factors which needs to be considered while constructing farm buildings. Urine and manure make the atmospheric conditions quite corrosive. Therefore, stainless steel proves a good solution to ventilation ducts and their fasteners.
In today’s scenario, stainless steel pumps are being used in many aspects of life.
It can transport water from long distance and for long periods. It is suitable for different temperatures and pressures.
Stainless steel water pump spare parts and materials have been used in various types of pumps like, stainless steel centrifugal pumps, stainless steel submersible pumps, stainless steel gear pumps, stainless steel plunger pumps etc.
The main reason why stainless steel pump is better is that it has higher hydraulic efficiency which means it can save electricity by 10-20% compared to iron pumps.
We can conclude that in today’s world, industries are shifting to stainless steel as it is playing a great role in many aspects because of its characteristics of corrosion resistant, low maintenance, environment friendly etc which are not found in iron.