
How to Take Care of the House Plant

House plants bring happiness and good vibes to the home. Your green corner is always special as you sip a cup of coffee in this corner of your home and de-stress your soul. Many people calm their minds by taking care of their garden. It not only elevates the mood but also brings freshness to the air. However, it is super important to know how to take care of your house plant to keep them alive and healthy.


Here are some of the basics that you need to follow for taking care of your plants:





House plants have limited nutrients. The growth of the plant depends on the type and quality of the soil. If your plants are not growing to their full potential, then they probably need fertilizing. Fertilizers add nutrients back into the soil that is taken up by the plants for various cell functions. It’s a good idea to add nitrogen fertiliser or organic fertilizer by foliar or pot application.


Every plant needs a good mix of macronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium along with micronutrients for optimum growth.




The most common mistake made by the plant parents is not following a watering guide for a particular plant. Overwatering or underwatering can kill your plant. Some plants need more watering than others do. It is important to follow a fixed watering schedule for giving equal attention to each plant.


Do your research about the watering needs of the plant before bringing it to your home. Most indoor plants need moderate watering while some do not require watering every day. Water your plants as per the climatic condition, size of the pot, and pot placement.




Plants use sunlight in the photosynthesis process and various other functions. Most indoor plants survive on low and indirect sunlight. Different plants need a different amount of sunlight. Certain plants do not need sunlight and can survive in artificial light. If you are a new plant owner, then choose a plant that does not need much care and can survive in any light placement. Snake plant is a great option for beginners.




Plants need grooming too like humans. If you want your plant to grow and look healthy, it's crucial to trim them from time to time. Trimming sessions include cutting off pale leaves, overgrown branches, and stems. Doing this grooming session once in a while keeps your plant in good shape and they produce flowers and fruits in the peak season.


Many plant owners hesitate from giving a trim to the plant but it’s necessary for plant growth. You can also use the cut-out stem for re-potting it.




Plants have their natural growth pattern. Sometimes, putting them in the wrong pot size can inhibit their growth. The best thing for a plant that is not growing is to re-pot them and add some nitrogen-rich fertiliser. This does the trick, and the plant starts to grow again gradually.


Taking care of plants is not a very complicated process. You can start by owning 2-3 low-maintenance plants. Keeping plants at home has several benefits for physical and mental health. If you struggle to keep your plants healthy, you can try the above-mentioned tips for better results.