
Countdowns: Why Everyone Can Profit



Think about countdown timers for the moment. Countdown timers can be used to cook, exercise, or host an occasion. Countdowns can be used to let you know the time when something has been completed or will occur.

As an example it is important to send a gift to your parents by 8PM otherwise it will not arrive in time for their anniversary. It could be that you wrote down or entered into your application for to-do lists, "Send gift to parents by 8 pm on December 10". As the days pass by, you're constantly seeing the date of the 10th of December. But what is the date this day? What if you set a timer for a countdown to finish the task? When you look at the timer, it says 1 Day, 4 hours and 8 minutes. The feeling of urgency is now setting in and you sense the desire to be there sooner.

A sense of urgency: Importance that requires quick action


Let's look at another example. Let's say you were watching the Home Shopping Network and a so called 'deal of a lifetime' appeared up. How did they get you to spend money on this product? It is likely that they did something to instill a sense of urgency in you. What exactly did they do? They placed an 7 minute timer directly next to the price. Each second and minute that passed brought a greater sensation of urgency to obtain the best price. So you caved and purchased it, because you didn't want to miss out on the"deal of the century'. What if that same approach could be applied to your jobs and projects?

With 25 minute timer With 7 minute timer, you can determine precisely how much time you've got left to finish your project or job. Thus, you spend less time using social media, browsing the web, talking to colleagues or colleagues, etc. because you feel the need to complete that particular task completed in time. You will focus more on your task and less likely to become distracted, becoming an efficient person.

To ensure that the Urgent and Important tasks get completed in time the countdown timer can be set. By using an Urgency Matrix, tasks and projects will move between quadrants and the next based on time allocation. Countdowns will let projects and tasks move automatically from one quadrant into the next. If you have quarterly reports that are due in a month they are in the Important but not Urgent Quadrant however, as the days and weeks pass, they move into the Urgent and Important quadrant. Setting the countdown ahead of time allows you to monitor the changes and prepare when the due date rapidly gets closer.

Motivation is the desire or desire to accomplish something.

No one wants to miss a crucial event like the marathon's time or the bus slow down by 3 seconds. It's a great way to motivate yourself to make it happen quicker or faster by knowing the amount of time you have until your goal time. Your list of things to do is no different. You will be motivated to complete an assignment within the stipulated time. You will be unstoppable when you combine that with an urgency. The job is done when you are done with 3, 2, 1. Consider this, if you've got a list of tasks that you can check off before the time expires on the time calculator, you are satisfied and excited for the next challenge ahead.