
# multi-host-repeat.tcl v1.6.5 (16Aug2018) by SpiKe^^, closely based on
# repeat.tcl v1.1 (9Apr1999) by slennox <slenny@ozemail.com.au>
# Special Thanks go out to speechles & caesar

## Advanced multi-host repeat flood detection and protection script. ##

## Monitors all text from all channel users for signs of a botnet repeat flood. ##
## See Description & Versions @: http://forum.egghelp.org/viewtopic.php?t=19898 ##

# Repeat flood, kick-ban on repeats:seconds #
set mhrp(flood) 3:5

# Repeat flood kick-ban reason #
set mhrp(reasn) "repeat flood"

# Max number of bans to stack in one mode command #
set mhrp(maxb) 3

# Max number of kicks to stack in one kick command #
# - set 0 to disable this script doing kicks (ex. set mhrp(maxk) 0) #
# NOTE: many networks allow more than one nick to be kicked per command. #
# set this at or below the max for your network. #
set mhrp(maxk) 4

# Length of time in minutes to ban Repeat flooders #
# - set 0 to disable this script removing bans (ex. set mhrp(btime) 0) #
set mhrp(btime) 10

# After a valid Repeat flood, script will continue to #
# kick-ban offenders for an additional 'x' seconds #
set mhrp(xpire) 10

# Set the type of ban masks to use # <<== NEW SETTING OPTIONS <<==
# 0 = use eggdrop default bans (ex. *!*user@*.host.com) #
# 1 = use host/ip specific bans (ex. *!*@some.host.com) #
# Note: settings 2+ require eggdrop 1.6.20 or newer #
# 2 = use wide masked host/ip bans (ex. *!*@*.host.com) #
# 3 = use extra-wide host bans (domain: *!*@*.msn.com) #
# 4 = also use extra-wide ipv4 bans (ex. *!*@68.186.*) #
# 5 = also extra-wide ipv6 bans (ex. *!*@2606:df00:*) #
set mhrp(btype) 4

# Set protected host(s) that should not be wide masked #
# - Example: set mhrp(phost) "*.undernet.org *.irccloud.com"
# Note: this setting only applies to ban types 2+ above! #
# Note: set empty to not protect any hosts (ex. set mhrp(phost) "") #
# Note: space separated if listing more than one protected host #
set mhrp(phost) ""

# Set channel mode(s) on flood detected. #
# - set empty to disable setting channel modes (ex. set mhrp(mode) "") #
set mhrp(mode) ""

# Remove these channel modes after how many seconds? #
set mhrp(mrem) 20

# Set user file flags that should be exempt from repeat flood monitoring. #
# - set empty to not exempt any user file flags (ex. set mhrp(xflag) "") #
set mhrp(xflag) "fmno|fmo"

# Should +o nicks in the channel (@nick) be exempt from repeat flood monitoring? #
# 0 = No: do not exempt +o nicks #
# 1 = Yes: exempt all opped nicks #
set mhrp(xop) 1

# Should +v nicks in the channel (+nick) be exempt from repeat flood monitoring? #
# 0 = No: do not exempt +v nicks #
# 1 = Yes: exempt all voiced nicks #
set mhrp(xvoice) 0

# Should halfop nicks in the channel be exempt from repeat flood monitoring? #
# Note: Your network Must support halfop & Eggdrop setup for halfop on your network! #
# 0 = No: do not exempt halfop nicks #
# 1 = Yes: exempt all halfop nicks #
set mhrp(xhalfop) 0

# Script sends to the server using putnow? # <<== NEW SETTING <<==
# Note: Don't use putnow unless your bot is opered and has no limits! #
# 0 = No: send to the server using putquick #
# 1 = Yes: send to the server using putnow #
set mhrp(pnow) 1


# END OF SETTINGS # Don't edit below unless you know what you're doing #

bind pubm - * rp_pubmsg
bind notc - * notc_wrap
bind ctcp - "ACTION" action_wrap

proc action_wrap {n u h d k t} {
if {[isbotnick $d]} { return 0 }
rp_pubmsg $n $u $h $d $t
proc notc_wrap {n u h t d} {
if {[isbotnick $d]} { return 0 }
rp_pubmsg $n $u $h $d $t

proc rp_pubmsg {nick uhost hand chan text} {
global mhrp mhrc mhrq
if {[isbotnick $nick]} { return 0 }
if {$mhrp(xflag) ne "" && $hand ne "*"} {
if {[matchattr $hand $mhrp(xflag) $chan]} { return 0 }
if {$mhrp(xop)==1 && [isop $nick $chan]} { return 0 }
if {$mhrp(xvoice)==1 && [isvoice $nick $chan]} { return 0 }
if {$mhrp(xhalfop)==1 && [ishalfop $nick $chan]} { return 0 }

set uhost [string tolower $nick!$uhost]
set chan [string tolower $chan]
set text [string map [list \017 ""] [stripcodes abcgru $text]]
set text [string tolower $text]
set utnow [unixtime]
set target [lindex $mhrp(flood) 0]
if {[info exists mhrc($chan:$text)]} {
set uhlist [lassign $mhrc($chan:$text) cnt ut]
set utend [expr {$ut + [lindex $mhrp(flood) 1]}]
set expire [expr {$utend + $mhrp(xpire)}]
if {$cnt < $target} {
if {$utnow > $utend} { unset mhrc($chan:$text) }
} elseif {$utnow > $expire} { unset mhrc($chan:$text) }
if {![info exists mhrc($chan:$text)]} {
set mhrc($chan:$text) [list 1 $utnow $uhost]
return 0
incr cnt
if {$cnt <= $target} {
if {[lsearch $uhlist $uhost] == -1} { lappend uhlist $uhost }
if {$cnt < $target} {
set mhrc($chan:$text) [linsert $uhlist 0 $cnt $ut]
} else {
set mhrc($chan:$text) [list $cnt $ut]
if {$mhrp(mode) ne "" && [string is digit -strict $mhrp(mrem)]} {

$mhrp(phow) "MODE $chan +$mhrp(mode)"
utimer $mhrp(mrem) [list $mhrp(phow) "MODE $chan -$mhrp(mode)"]

rp_dobans $chan $uhlist
return 0
if {![info exists mhrq($chan)]} {
utimer 1 [list rp_bque $chan]
set mhrq($chan) [list $uhost]
} elseif {[lsearch $mhrq($chan) $uhost] == -1} {
lappend mhrq($chan) $uhost
if {[llength $mhrq($chan)] >= $mhrp(maxb)} {
rp_dobans $chan $mhrq($chan)
set mhrq($chan) ""
return 0

proc rp_dobans {chan uhlist} {
global mhrp
if {![botisop $chan]} return
set banList "" ; set nickList ""
foreach ele $uhlist {
scan $ele {%[^!]!%[^@]@%s} nick user host

if {$mhrp(btype)==0} { set bmask [maskhost $ele]

} elseif {$mhrp(btype)>1} { set type 4
foreach ph $mhrp(phost) {
if {[string match -nocase $ph $host]} {
set type 2 ; break
set bmask [maskhost $ele $type]

if {$mhrp(btype)>2 && $type==4} {
set mhost [string range $bmask 4 end]
if {[string index $mhost 0] eq "*"} {
if {[llength [set mhls [split $mhost "."]]]>3} {
set bmask "*!*@*.[lindex $mhls end-1].[lindex $mhls end]"
} elseif {[string index $mhost end-1] eq "."} {
if {$mhrp(btype)>3} { set mhls [split $mhost "."]
set bmask "*!*@[lindex $mhls 0].[lindex $mhls 1].*"
} elseif {$mhrp(btype)>4} { set mhls [split $mhost ":"]
set bmask "*!*@[lindex $mhls 0]:[lindex $mhls 1]:*"

} else { set bmask "*!*@$host" }

if {[lsearch $banList $bmask] == -1} { lappend banList $bmask }
if {[lsearch $nickList $nick] == -1} { lappend nickList $nick }
stack_bans $chan $mhrp(maxb) $banList
if {$mhrp(maxk) > 0} {
foreach nk $nickList {
if {[onchan $nk $chan]} { lappend nkls $nk } else { continue }
if {[llength $nkls] == $mhrp(maxk)} {

$mhrp(phow) "KICK $chan [join $nkls ,] :$mhrp(reasn)"

unset nkls
if {[info exists nkls]} {

$mhrp(phow) "KICK $chan [join $nkls ,] :$mhrp(reasn)"

if {$mhrp(btime) > 0} {
set expire [expr {[unixtime] + $mhrp(btime)}]
lappend mhrp(rmls) [list $expire $chan $banList]

proc stack_bans {chan max banlist {opt +} } {
set len [llength $banlist]
while {$len > 0} {
if {$len > $max} {
set mode [string repeat "b" $max]
set masks [join [lrange $banlist 0 [expr {$max - 1}]]]
set banlist [lrange $banlist $max end]
incr len -$max
} else {
set mode [string repeat "b" $len]
set masks [join $banlist]
set len 0

$mhrp(phow) "MODE $chan ${opt}$mode $masks"


proc rp_bque {chan} {
global mhrq
if {![info exists mhrq($chan)]} { return }
if {$mhrq($chan) eq ""} { unset mhrq($chan) ; return }
rp_dobans $chan $mhrq($chan)
unset mhrq($chan)

proc rp_breset {} {
global mhrc mhrp
set utnow [unixtime]
set target [lindex $mhrp(flood) 0]
foreach {key val} [array get mhrc] {
lassign $val cnt ut
set utend [expr {$ut + [lindex $mhrp(flood) 1]}]
set expire [expr {$utend + $mhrp(xpire)}]
if {$cnt < $target} {
if {$utnow > $utend} { unset mhrc($key) }
} elseif {$utnow > $expire} { unset mhrc($key) }
if {[info exists mhrp(rmls)]} {
while {[llength $mhrp(rmls)]} {
set next [lindex $mhrp(rmls) 0]
lassign $next expire chan banList
if {$expire > $utnow} { break }
set mhrp(rmls) [lreplace $mhrp(rmls) 0 0]
if {![info exists rmAra($chan)]} { set rmAra($chan) $banList
} else { set rmAra($chan) [concat $rmAra($chan) $banList] }
foreach {key val} [array get rmAra] {
set banList ""
foreach mask $val {
if {![ischanban $mask $key]} { continue }
lappend banList $mask
if {$banList eq ""} { continue }
if {![botisop $key]} {
set mhrp(rmls) [linsert $mhrp(rmls) 0 [list $utnow $key $banList]]
} else { stack_bans $key $mhrp(maxb) $banList - }
if {![llength $mhrp(rmls)]} { unset mhrp(rmls) }
utimer 30 [list rp_breset]

if {![info exists rp_running]} {
utimer 30 [list rp_breset]
set rp_running 1

if {$numversion<"1062000" && $mhrp(btype)>1} { set mhrp(btype) 1 }

set mhrp(phow) "putquick"
if {$mhrp(pnow)==1} { set mhrp(phow) "putnow" }

set mhrp(flood) [split $mhrp(flood) :]
set mhrp(btime) [expr {$mhrp(btime) * 60}]
set mhrp(phost) [split [string trim $mhrp(phost)]]
if {$mhrp(btime)==0 && [info exists mhrp(rmls)]} { unset mhrp(rmls) }

set mhrp(xflag) [string trim $mhrp(xflag)]
if {$mhrp(xflag) eq "-" || $mhrp(xflag) eq "-|-"} { set mhrp(xflag) "" }

putlog "Loaded multi-host-repeat.tcl v1.6.5 by SpiKe^^"