Tsubaki large-size conveyor chains are highly durable, and efficient and conduct the accurate operation without slipping. Depending on the application large size conveyor chains comes with 3 basic types of rollers i.e., R Roller, F Roller and SMN roller and unique features of Tsubaki Large Size Drive Chains make them sustainable in all-weather condition like Wear-resistant, highly corrosion resistant, chrome-free- environmentally friendly and low-temperature treatment for no loss strength. In addition, it can be diversified with a variety of applications for use of general-purpose including cement conveyance, Biomass plants, Water treatment facilities, Automotive industry etc.
Tsubaki Large Size Conveyor Chains are categorized into 3 parts such as DT Series (General Use Large Size Conveyor Chain), GT, CT, AT, BT Series ((Heavy Duty Large Size Conveyor Chain) and MT, RT, DS, VT, YT, GS, SS, NEP Series (Corrosion Resistant Large Size Conveyor Chain)
SEIMITSU Factory Automation Pvt. Ltd. is a Tsubaki Distributor in India.
Please click here to know about its detailed types and its sustainable properties: https://www.seimitsu.in/tsubaki-pdf/Large%20Size%20Conveyor%20Chain.pdf
Email Us for more information: sales@seimitsu.in
Contact us: +91 9975185459