
How is hate spread through social media?


The label “hater” is used to make reference to an individual or groups who utilize digital means such as social media to spread critical or negative comments. Such harmful and hurtful words may be conveyed online or through text. Generally, such behavior and comments are used repetitively over time. Such groups and individuals remain typically or comment anonymously. However, they may also be your peers, individuals you thought of as friends or acquaintances. Similar to bullying, the behavior of hating someone and hurting can be stopped, and the individual can change as it is not something, they are but an action they perform. A lot of Politicians get in contact with the influencer with huge Instagram following and tell them to entice their followers to initiate riots.


Generally, haters target individuals who they find as different from themselves. Being the target of critical and negative comments can be upsetting. It can end up triggering the feeling of hurt, confusion, anger, and may result in the person being targeted to doubt their behavior and question their self-worth. Suppose the critical or negative comment is posted over the internet on a social media platform. In that case, it could make the targeted individual feel ashamed of what’s happening on the social platforms and make them afraid to check it.


Numerous teens and children do not want to be associated or take part in such hostile behavior such as criticizing, name-calling, and cyberbullying. Tackling such haters is not different than dealing with cyberbullying or bullying. 


What is cyberbullying?


Due to the widespread presence of digital forums and social media, photos, content, posts shared by a user can be browsed by their contacts as well as an individual outside of their connections. The content shared by a user on the internet, be it their content or any mean, hurtful, harmful content, is stored in a record that can be viewed publicly, such as their behavior, views, activities. This record online can also be thought of as their reputation online. This record can be accessible or browsed by their employers, schools, clubs, colleges, or any other individual who may be researching a user or using it in the future. Cyberbullying takes place on digital devices such as computers, tablets, and cell phones. It is also through text, app, SMS. 


It may consist of revealing private or personal information regarding another individual, which can cause humiliation or embarrassment to that individual. Generally, cyberbullying happens on social platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, Snapchat. Messaging and Text messaging applications such as on a tablet or mobile devices. Chatting online over the net through direct messaging or text messaging. It can also involve messaging boards such as Reddit, online forums, chat rooms. Communication through games and mailing system.


Cyberbullying can bring harm to the reputation of everyone involved, not just the individual who is being targeted, but also those participating in it and bullying the individuals.


It presents forth a unique concern in that it can be persistent as electronic devices allow people to continuously and immediately communicate with others throughout the day at any time desired by users, which can make it challenging for users experiencing cyberbullying to find release from it. 


It can also be hard to notice as parents and teachers may not see or overhead, making them unaware of it taking place. Due to which it can be tougher to perceive and permanent simultaneously since information and the exchange will be conducted on the social media platform or electronically will be public and permanent until unless removed through reporting the said message or post. If discovered, online reputation may take on a considerable adverse impact such as on employment, college admissions, and your other aspects of life.


Cyberbullying can bring harm to the reputation of everyone involved, not just the individual who is being targeted, but also those participating in it and bullying the individuals. 




Social media platforms have made it easy for individuals to anonymously target a user. Although individuals in connections of a user can similarly target them. A negative reputation online may lead to severe repercussions later on for those involved.