DB1- Protection of Religion and Morality


Have you ever wondered what the founding Father’s intent for the protection of religion and morality for our country was? Well after a lot of research and reading I would that the founding Father’s did not want to mix religion and government together. Instead they tried to be able to keep it separate so that they did not hurt any ones feelings and tried to keep the peace. “Many founders had come to question religious establishments because they concluded that they hurt rather than helped Christianity.” (Hall, pg.88.) It is because of that statement that the founding Father’s decide to create something called, “civil space in which religion could flourish.” (Hall, pg. 88.)

When it came to protecting people’s religion and morality the founding Father’s really did try to help each state and make sure they were able to follow the way that God truly intended. One statement that really helped established and promote the importance of religion and the duty of civic authorities to promote the Christian faith was the preamble that Sherman wrote for the religious liberty bill. It said, “As the happiness of a people and the good order of civic society, essentially depend upon piety, religion, and morality, it is the duty of the civil authority to provide for the support and encouragement thereof; so as that Christians of every denomination, demeaning themselves peaceably, and as good subjects of the State, may be equally under the protection of the laws:” (Hall. Pg. 93.) Which it is because of that statement that Hall says that, “the preamble illustrates well the common view among America’s founders that Christianity was necessary for public happiness and political prosperity. (Hall. Pg. 94.) Then when it came to the Congress they really did try to make sure that the people did put religion as a priority. Congress tried to set aside certain days to pray and they also said, “true religion and good morals are the only solid foundations of public liberty and happiness:.” (Hall. Pg. 106.)

As I kept reading and doing research about the protection of religion and morality I read this statement, “It is substantially true, that virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government.” (McClellan. Pg. 542.) After reading that statement it really made me stop and think. I know that the Founding Father’s did what they felt was right to try and make sure that the people of our country knew that it was okay to live a life and choose to follow the path that God has set for us. Scriptures says in Romans 12:2, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Holy Bible. ESV.) I know that even though they did not want to confuse religion and the government that they also did not want to loss sight of what we were all truly here on the Earth for and that is to follow God’s way. Scripture says in John 14:15, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” (Holy Bible. ESV.) Which is just what we are to do. We need to remember to not put anything above God and that is what I believe the founding Father’s were trying to do. The were trying to keep true to scripture while also trying to set a path for the country to follow without making others mad.



Hall, Mark David,. Did America Have a Christian Founding? Separating Modern Myth from Historical Truth. Thomas Nelson Publishing. 2020.

McClellan, James. Liberty, Order, and Justice: an Introduction to the Constitutional Principles of American Government. Liberty Fund, 2000.

Holy Bible