Movement activities cannot all be ignored in spite of the fact that there is a lot of emphasis on reading, writing, and many more academic subjects. Children need to move, especially those who are three to five years old, as movement activities will help them feel more relaxed and at the same time they will also take interest in their studies. KidzVille, a Childcare in Surrey is the perfect platform for you as it will give your children the best of academic skills along with practical and fun activities. It also teaches movement activities for the preschoolers to feel better, which can also help in getting rid of stress.
Let’s know the benefits of movement for children
Focusing only on academics actually misses the main point of getting the children involved in movement activities. Movement activities are essential which help in focusing on both metals as well as physical development as far as preschoolers are concerned. Some of the benefits of movement have been given as follows:
- Children are able to have a healthy lifestyle at present and in the future.
- Children also acquire readiness skills for schools.
- They are also able to have emotional, social as well as cognitive skills in strong ways.
- It is not just about joint development, but movement activities will help the children get appropriate muscle and bone development.
- The kids will have low blood pressure and depression. They will also experience reduced anxiety.
- Children will also be able to increase their learning capacity which will boost their self-confidence.
- Along with better concentration, they can also have increased memory skills.
- The kids will have fewer chronic issues, and they will fall ill very less.
Interactive games which involve movement of the body of the kids help in the overall personality development of the children, and they also learn how to solve the problems in a particular situation.
When children are allowed to move, they start doing things in a better way as they understand that they have to correct the things themselves, and then they become better persons in the future.
Kidzville Learning center, a Daycare in Surrey has great experience of years as far as providing the child development program to toddlers and infants is concerned, it allows children to indulge in play-based activities and bring out their inner abilities on their own.
Let’s know about preschoolers’ movement activities
Movement with music
Music is such a fascinating thing that children start loving it as soon as they know about it, and they start responding to it in a good manner. Parents can ask their children to listen to different rhythms and act according to what they hear. They can also ask their kids to jump up and down along with clapping with their hands. They can go through the movement activities of tapping their head to the beat of the songs, and they can also get empty boxes to use as drums for them to enjoy in a better way. Children may also start dancing around the room when a song is played. It can be a great way for children to get involved in movement activities through music.
Movement with beach ball balance
Beach Ball activity is going to be a very fun activity as it will lead the children to feel more comfortable and creative. There can be two to three children, and parents can ask them to hold the ball with their heads, backs, and shoulders without using their hands and it's going to be a very interesting activity for the kids to play, and they will just become creative to hold the ball without using their hands.
Movement with get up and move dice game
Parents can make two big boxes, and they can create dice out of those boxes, and they can write words like jump, run and climb on one of the dice. They can write some directions like “like a monkey, like a lion, or in a circle." Then they can throw the dice at a child, and whoever gets the dice will have to do that activity, and it will really make all the children get involved in the movement. Along with the child who gets the dice, other children will also have lots of entertainment through this game.
Movement with indoor basketball
With the help of wadding up the newspaper, children can play basketball inside their homes. Normally parents do not allow the real basketball for the children as they can injure themselves in case they suddenly fall on the floor, but if there is any lightweight object like newspaper, preschoolers can play with that with the help of a pot or a laundry basket, and they can be used for the hoop.
Kidzville Learning Center is the best Child care in Surrey, and parents will not have to worry so much about the movement activities of their kids. There are lots of movement activities apart from what parents know, and these activities will be taught to the children by the trained instructors so that children may enjoy themselves a lot.
Movement with chores
Parents can make their children do some household chores, and they can be given a mop, a broom, a dust rag, etc., for them to clean various places. If you teach them to act as a fun game, they will never consider these activities to be a burden.
KidzVille Learning Center, a Daycare in Surrey has got great instructors trained in this field, and they give great lessons of movement to the children.
Movement activities will help your kids grow naturally along with fun and entertainment. It will not be restricted to studies only, but they will get lots of movement activities where they may feel more comfortable so that they may be free from the burden of academics to do other activities. As a result, their academic performance will also improve as they will be stress-free by involving themselves in movement activities. For more info please visit on site -