Logos are not just a piece of colour or art. They are the strategic tools of any brand because they help in creating brand recognition and identity. Apart from that they also develop a brand personality. To get such results, a logo should be memorable.
In this article, you will know the crucial aspects of creating a memorable logo design and how it would benefit your business.
Keep it simple:
Simple designs are always memorable because due to simplicity they easily grasp the attention of potential customers and are instilled into the minds of an audience. This is the main reason why many brands and professional designers don’t design complex logos because they fail to make an impact and are not memorable.
Take a look at different famous names in the market, they all have simpler designs. Whether it is Nike’s swoosh or Lacoste’s crocodile, they all use simple and plain designs.
Be Different:
To make an impact, your brand has to stand out from the competition. People will never recognize you if you are in a crowd or part of it. Just keeping things simple is not enough, you have to be distinct. That’s why strong emphasis is put to design unique custom logo, with that you will be able to establish yourself in the market.
Copying others never helps because it will damage your authenticity and image. Furthermore, you will end up in legal troubles if you copy others.
Memorable logos are always timeless. They remain unchanged throughout the years. Some brands have used these designs for decades. Various fashion brands that started in the early 20th century have used their logos since then because they are timeless and continue to influence customer’s buying behaviour. Chanel and Louis Vuitton are some examples.
To make your emblem timeless, make sure not to include trendy elements because trends fade away and people forget them after a couple of years. Never add trendy elements.
Use of appropriate fonts and colours:
When it comes to fonts and colours, they play a crucial role in giving meaning to your custom logo design company. Colours have different meanings and many studies show that colour psychology plays a significant role in customer purchase behaviour. Though, only add fewer colours to your design.
Always choose those fonts that look professional, easily readable and are not overly used by others. It’s always a good idea to create your custom fonts.
Make it Scalable:
To instil your brand into the minds of your customers you will need to promote it on different platforms. Means your emblem will be promoted in different sizes. Memorable logos are easily scalable. For that you will need vector files, these files enable you to change the size of your logo without compromising its quality.
So, it is crucial that when you buy logo online, make sure you receive it in vector files. So, you can easily promote your brand.
Memorable designs are not template-based:
Perhaps many new start-ups do this mistake because they don’t have enough budgets to take premium services. These template-based emblems may look simpler and unique but remember they are already used by others before you. Also, you don’t have copyright ownership of them.
Furthermore, they are delivered in a raster file format which doesn’t make them versatile and scalable. So, avoid them at all costs.
So, to have a memorable logo, you must keep things simple, unique and timeless. Never rely on amateurs, various professional companies offer custom logo design services, take their help. Remember great things cost money, so be open to it.