
P2P Crypto Exchange Script To Create your own P2P Crypto Exchange

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Selena Gomez @Selena_Gomez2 · Dec 23, 2022

P2P Crypto Exchange Script is a decentralized platform where users can experience trade in direct contact, so their negotiations remain confedential. P2P Exchange platforms are designed and built by professional programmers where you can change or alter its features according to your business needs. These softwares can be built in short-time with all the features you want and can be purchased at a reasonable price. Sellbitbuy offers you to create flawless, rich-quality P2P Crypto Exchange Script and extends its full support with new technology solutions which can help you to win crypto trading business competitions ahead. P2P Crypto Exchange Script has its advantages. Here is a brief about its advantages and its working process.


Advantages of P2P Exchange:


Easy payment method:

              In this platform, there are various payment methods to pay the funds. Methods like credit card and bank card allow you to pay quickly and can start trading as soon as possible . 


High Security:

             In this decentralized platform, trading can be done without involving third parties so individual details can be protected.So there is no need to interfere in transactions and assets handed over .



            The most important feature of P2P Crypto Exchange Script is they cost less.Because no money will be spent on the presence of third-party as by eliminating them, the cost also will be eleminated.


World wide trading:

             The most important advantage of P2P Crypto Exchange Script is that it gives you access to worldwide Bitcoin buyers and sellers. So you can trade or purchase cryptocurrencies all around the world.


Working process of P2P Crypto Exchange Script:


               The working process of our P2P Crypto Exchange Script are :


  • Start with user registration.
  • Identity verification with KYC. 
  • Creating a wallet .
  • Order placement like Buy/Sell.
  • Order matching between Buyers and Sellers.
  • Traders negotiating in an encrypted chart.
  • Deal can be sealed ,if desired.
  •  A smart contract holds Sellers cryptocurrency.
  •  Buyers start the payment process.
  •  Seller verifies payment receipt.
  •  Assets are released from Escrow
  •  Finally Buyer receives cryptocurrency in their wallet.                               

Final Thought:


                 The  designing of P2P Crypto Exchange Script is possible for every size of trading business organization. Users prefer this concept as it involves no middle man for transaction or asset hand over. After development and thorough testing, the risk involved in crypto trading will be minimized by our technology stacks, so Sellbitbuy helps you to launch your own P2P Crypto Exchange Software in the crypto market.

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