
Shop HEETS in Dubai

On a warm Sunday afternoon I found myself in the Dubai Mall.
My goal: Buy two e-cigarette kits from iQos, the world's first ever mainstream e-cigarette brand, set up in the United Arab Emirates. My last attempt at smoking had been more than a month ago. I smoked a little in the car on the way to the mall, and as soon as I reached the mall I went straight to HEETS.
Most people have switched from regular cigarettes to electronic cigarettes. This provided a precise basis for the development of this industry. Now there are a lot of shops where you can buy everything you need to smoke iqos. This store is a great example:https://www.heets-dubai.com/. We will tell you about the rest later.
I found the store easily on the second floor in the Dubai Mall. As I was trying to find a suitable way to carry my e-cigarette kit I overheard a girl saying to her friend: "They're not really in the smell, are they?" And, "It's okay, I know they're not really in the smoke".
I hurried up to the second floor to see if they were in the smoke-free area. To my relief, I saw two of the biggest "HEETS" shop doors on the second floor.
Not surprisingly, they were about 300 metres away from HEETS' third store - on the seventh floor. I felt relief but also envy. I was hoping HEETS would be there, but I was unsure if it was enough for me to carry out my mission.
I asked the sales girl for directions and was slightly confused by the directions. "Take the stairs and go to the second floor", she said, "not to the second floor in the mall and then go up to the third floor."
I made my way up to the second floor in the mall and then went up to the third floor in the mall and then to HEETS.
I didn't have a normal cigarette, instead I had an e-cigarette and an iQos kit.
I opened the iQos kit, put the kit's pack into the USB charger, and switched it on. On the left side of the pack I found e-liquid (the liquid that they use for vaping) and a regular cigarette packet.
I was disappointed to see it was not my regular pack. I had bought one of the cheapest ones from HEETS.
But I noticed it had a different flavour and the iQos box looked like an e-cigarette kit box, except for the number inside.
With a quick flip of a tab, I found the e-liquid on the right side of the pack. It was a clear and tasteless liquid that contained nicotine and flavouring - mainly watermelon, tropical fruit, lime and cherry.
The pack cost 130 dirhams (US$27.50). I remembered the instructions saying not to leave your kit unattended, so I took my hands off the package and switched it off, but not before I saw smoke coming from my e-cigarette. I couldn't believe I had smoked it, and I looked around to see if anyone noticed. I was really embarrassed. I had just turned on my e-cigarette and now it was smoking.


I tried putting it back in the box, but it was still smoking. I panicked. I put the box on the bench next to me. "Is this smoke?" I asked the girl who was sitting on the bench with me. "Are you going to sit here and smoke on your e-cig?"
I waited for her to finish a conversation and then went to the shop. The shop assistant, who was also smoking on an e-cigarette, asked me what I wanted to buy, and I asked for the e-cigarette kit again. I wanted to know what HEETS recommended for me.
He looked at me and told me I should switch to HEETS' fourth store - in Dubai's most popular mall, Mall of the Emirates.
As I was leaving HEETS' shop, I saw the man who'd warned the sales girl and he told me that HEETS had two shops. The second shop was on the third floor, in the Dubai Mall.
HEETS is popular with vapers who vape. A customer told me: "It's very good that HEETS has the fourth shop, but I just don't like to go to Dubai Mall. It's so crowded, I can't smoke in the middle of the street. I think it's better if HEETS only sells vape shops in malls like Dubai Mall."

I asked a few vapers what they thought of HEETS' store in Dubai. "I think they're doing a good job in Dubai," said one person. "That store is good, and they have the fourth one in the mall, so that's good for us vapers."
Another man said that HEETS didn't have an attractive shop in Dubai. "The shop in Dubai Mall is small. It's not as big as HEETS' store in Dubai Marina. The shop in Dubai Mall is not as nice as the one in Dubai Marina," he said.
Another smoker said: "The shop in Dubai Mall does not look very attractive. It doesn't have a display of vapes or e-liquids anywhere. It's not like a shop that I can vape in, so I don't go to that store."