
How to Stay Fit in this Coronavirus Pandemic

We are all aware about how people around the world are affected by Covid19 (coronavirus disease) which is spread mostly by physical contact. In this deadly life-threatening situation, people should isolate themselves from the outside world and stay safe at home. Precautions and good immunity will be paramount to fight this deadly disease. During this time it is very essential to workout every day to stay strong and build your immunity. 

Humanity is facing one of it’s most challenging and dangerous threats. This is something new and shocking for everyone, which makes it more life-threatening. People with low immunity will be greatly affected. So it’s time to boost your immunity with a proper home workout regimen.

If you are wondering about how to work out after being isolated from gyms and the outside world, this article will definitely help you to stay fit, active and safe during this time of home quarantine. The following are some simple and effective ways of staying fit and healthy at  home.


 Get comfortable with being uncomfortable! (Jillian Michaels)

The 4 important steps of workout you should know for doing an effective workout at home are: 

  1. Warm-up Exercise 
  2. Cardiovascular Workout 
  3. Strength Building Exercise
  4. Flexibility Workout 

Warm-Up Exercise: 

Warm-up exercises are very important for getting yourself ready for your main workout session. These exercises help your body to get ready, for the pressure that you are going to exert on it while doing a workout. These are some warm-up exercises that you can perform at home easily.

  1. You can do 8 inward hip rotations, 8 outward hip rotations for each side
  2. After performing lower-body warm-up you can do 8 forward arm circles, 8 backward arm circles
  3. To warm up your whole body, do a 2-minute jumping rope activity
  4. Do 8 walk-outs
  5. Do 12 reverse lunges to build strong legs 
  6. End your workout with squats

Cardiovascular Workout:

Cardiovascular workout exercises are very effective fat burning exercises that you can perform at your home to get rid of fat and become more healthy and fit. 

1. Burpees

Burpee is an aerobic exercise that is excellent for building good body strength. It is also quite easy to do.

  1. First be in a standing position 
  2. Slowly get into a squat position with your hand on the ground in front of you.
  3. Get your feet back in the plank position while keeping your hand extended
  4. Then quickly return your feet back in the squat position
  5. Get back to the standing position 

 2. Jump Rope

Rope jumping is a simple but effective exercise that you can easily perform at home. It only needs little space and you can build good stamina.

 3. Jump Lunges

It is a great exercise to develop your core muscles and lower body muscle in this period of quarantine. It is a little advanced exercise but you can learn it with regular practice and gain perfection in it.

 4. Mountain Climbers

You can also call this exercise a running plank. It impacts your whole body especially your arms, shoulders, quads, and core. First, get yourself in a plank position and then bring each knee to your chest and back out again but try speeding up each time for a great workout.

 5. Jump Squats

Jump squats are like normal squats, but the difference in this exercise is that when you go down in the squat position you gather strength from your core and then jump explosively and return to the ground gently with proper control over the body.

 6. Bicycle Crunches

It is one of the easy but effective home exercises that you can easily do anywhere. It targets your core muscle and doesn’t let you get fat. It is simple to perform, you just have to lie on the ground and press down your lower back next to the ground and then perform cycling in the air.

7. Jumping Jacks

Jumping Jacks is also known as star jump exercise. It is one of the most famous home workout exercises that everyone does to stay fit and flexible. This exercise is easy to perform, you just have to jump in the standing position with legs spread wide and hands touching overhead, then return to the standing position with proper balance with your arms at the sides.

Strength Building Exercises:

Strength building exercises are one of the most effective muscle strength building exercises. They help you to gain good muscle strength for performing all activities with your full potential. There are various types of home strength-building exercises available for you to easily gain muscle strength at home. The following are some strength-building exercises.

  1. Push-ups
  2. Pull-ups
  3. Squats
  4. Bridge 

Flexibility Workout:

Flexibility exercises are very essential for you to perform after your workout sessions. These exercises help your body muscles to get relaxed. According to recent research doing stretching exercises after a workout helps you to gain more muscle mass in your body. There are some scientific reasons also behind doing flexibility exercises after a workout. When you do workout then your body releases toxin and after performing these stretching exercises you can easily eradicate those toxic elements from your body. These are some important flexibility exercises that you can perform at home after a workout to stay healthy and fit.

  1. Hamstring stretches 
  2. Glutes stretches 
  3. Shoulder stretches 
  4. Neck stretches


In this time of the corona pandemic, no one should be careless about their health by neglecting the workout routine, just because they are at home and can’t go to gyms. To fight this deadly virus you should have good immunity and the above-given exercises in this article will help you to achieve good health and immunity right at your home. Maintain proper hygiene, health and remain active and fit to overcome this global challenge posed by the COVID19.

 Health is Wealth! Embrace it.