
How to Get More Viewers on Twitch in 2022 [10 Easy Ways]


The Ultimate Guide to Get More Viewers on Twitch in 2022 – 10 ways to get more viewers on Twitch, Corona has literally exploded the number of Twitch streamers. For many, streaming is a hobby. However, a majority of them are hoping for a bigger career or regular additional income in the future. 

Zero to twenty Twitch viewers , that’s the bottom line for most streamers. In this article you will find out which methods are available to increase the number of viewers in the long term.


Table of Contents

  • 10 ways to get more viewers on Twitch
    • 1st method: Mutual raids during the live streams
    • 2nd method: Use Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and Reddit intensively
    • 3rd method: Create Youtube videos
    • 4th Method: Create a blog
    • 5th Method: Activity in multiple discords
    • 6th Method: Register in various forums
      • 7th method: Raffle giveaways
      • 8th Method: Organize or participate in fundraisers
      • 9th Method: Stream regularly, fixed stream plan
      • 10th Method: Recognize the truth!
      • The variants without talent and luck

10 ways to get more viewers on Twitch

1st method: Mutual raids during the live streams

A raid on Twitch means that a streamer redirects their viewers to another live stream as soon as they end the stream themselves. This can sometimes be several viewers at once, catapulting your viewer numbers up for a short time.

It’s always the same process. You get a raid, are happy, say thank you and ask the other streamer how his stream was and what he played with his community.


Read More;- https://streamingadvise.com/get-more-viewers-on-twitch