
Do Resumes and Snapshots Go Well Together?

Shierly Gaikwad, JollyHires Inc.


“When people say no, don’t do it and avoid pictures!” Well maybe we changed the phrase a bit, but it perfectly fits our talk today! Everyone has had this thought at least once in their lifetime about attaching a small photocopy in their resumes to make them look perfect. But is it really an important detail? Let’s find out by witnessing the following job seeker resume tips.

Your resume is basically your list of skills and achievements. A paper that will make the company think about what you’d bring to their table, and not if you’re pretty or some important hotshot. They say it’s what the inside that matters, and that exactly: your application and knowledge of skills, your management, and cooperation with the team a.k.a your cognitive abilities and their execution is what matters to the HR manager sitting there reading your resume. Honestly, a recruiter hardly spends 5-10 seconds on each resume since they have a lot to choose from and everyone wants the best so what is the other way to stand out? Video Resume is the best way to do that as it illustrates your creativity, how you are tech-savvy, it will demonstrate your verbal communication skills, and how you are willing to take a risk. Video Resume gets you to a quick interview and makes it easy for Recruiters to remember you and that’s how it increases your probability of getting your dream job.

You definitely don’t want to put an awkward impression on the HR team when they interview, it would turn out to be pretty embarrassing for you itself! Wouldn't it be better when you’ve been asked for the interview, that you show up with a clean and confident face that might increase your chances of getting in? And that’s exactly how a 
Job Seeker Resume should look like, clean and up to the mark with no extra junk.

There are times when the HR team is in a hurry and going through the resumes is done at a quicker pace, and when they notice a resume with a photocopy; their first thought is to leave it aside and go in for the next one. And just like that even if you had the best resume out of all, your chances of getting in just got lower.

Okay, let’s say you have applied a really good formal photo, thinking it would earn you brownie points, but do you think that’s helpful? Well, obviously the recruiter isn’t going to sit and admire you, he’s going to think, “This person isn’t even familiar with basic resume formats and how is he/she supposed to be working at my company at (the post you’ve applied for)” And just like that all the hard work you’ve built in that resume just goes unnoticed.

Let’s stop assuming this as perfectness and start thinking of it as a basic practice which is inevitable while penning down your resume! All you have to do is master your basic formats. Wouldn’t it be great if you are able to create a 360-degree digital profile and have access to mapping out job requirements and your preferences matching to make your work hassle-free It will be like “RESUME IN A POCKET”. Voila! You’re almost there!

If you want to know more about resumes, interviews, recruitment, etc. Check out:  jollyhires.com Cuz we always have something new and different to feed your curiosity!


For more:- Do Resumes and Snapshots Go Well Together?
