
- . • . - : Game Mechanics

Remember, it doesn't matter how smart you are or how much muscle is on that frame of yours. You get hit with a bullet, and you'll bleed out like all those idiots who did it before you. Take care of yourself out there.


Combat can be initiated by anyone, at any time. Enemies or allies can begin combat by acts of initiation. Drawing a weapon of any kind is seen as an act of war. Challenging someone to a duel or, obviously, ambushing an unknown foe is an act of war. When combat starts, things will happen quickly.

Everyone gets two actions in their turn of combat. You can move, attack, or use/reload weapons/items as you wish with those actions.

Melee combat is performed in close quarters (one square on all sides around your character). While in melee range with any foe, you are prohibited from using ranged attacks. Leaving melee range, or disengaging from foe(s), gives an attack of opportunity (unblockable) to that enemy.

Melee combat is performed by both combatants rolling, as it is assumed both combatants will be actively attacking and defending. The higher dice wins; if it is the attacker, the hit counts. If it is the defender, the hit does not count. Full stars and power points apply.


Ranged combat is performed at distance. This will usually involve guns or cannons. Getting hit by a gun will carry a serious damage penalty.

Pistols (range of 2-5 squares) will inflict 1.5x damage (rounded up). Reload speed is one action.

Rifles (range of 4+ squares) will inflict 1x damage. Reload speed is one action.

Blunderbusses (range of 1-2 squares) will inflict 3x damage. Reload speed is two actions.

Cannons (range of 7+ squares) will inflict 3x damage in a 9-square radius. Reload speed is two actions.

Power Points are used as ammunition when firing weapons. Ranged attacks cannot be avoided, as bullets/cannonballs cannot be dodged.



There will be plenty of time spent on your ship (or someone else's) in this game. And those vessels won't man themselves. As such, you'll need to be prepared to either work together as a crew or hire those who will in order to get from A to B.

Sails must be tended when docking, leaving port, and during travel to ensure proper length of sail and angle to the wind. If a crew member holds the trait "Rigged Game" level 1, they may describe changes being made (gaining speed, slowing down, etc) and roll to ensure the work is done properly. Once a crew member holds "Rigged Game" level 2, the roll is not needed.

Cargo, Cannons, and Anchors must be tended when trading, fighting, docking, or leaving port. It is not uncommon for a small ship to have only one or two cannons, and re-positioning them along with the cargo while in combat will be crucial. If a crew member holds the trait "Strong Back" level 1, they may describe moving heavy items such as cannons and shot piles or cargo and roll to ensure the work is done properly. Once a crew member holds "Strong Back" level 2, the roll is not needed.

Weather, Landmasses, and Ships must be watched while sailing, lest your crew fall into unfavorable position with mother nature or a band of roaming Royals. If a crew member holds the trait "Weather Eye" level 1, they may describe searching for objects, vessels, fish, routes, land, etc and roll to ensure the target is found. Once a crew member holds "Weather Eye" level 2, the roll is not needed.

Should any spot be left open, the crew will need to hire someone from a port to fill the position, or run the risk of having someone perform the task improperly (-1 result on all rolls by a member without that trait).

The spot of Helmsman/Captain (interchangeable depending on crew makeup) can be taken by anyone, and rolls made while manning the wheel will use that player's highest base trait. Money and goods made, found, or taken while aboard the ship will be distributed evenly among crew members and NPCs unless stated otherwise by the original recipient.



Fighting won't always happen on land. Sometimes it will take place between decks, or on multiple ship decks, or multiple ships with multiple decks. Be prepared for any outcome! 

Cannonballs that hit your ship or other ships will do damage to that vessel. That damage must be repaired, or the ship won't be floating for long. Things affected by holes include speed, maneuverability, and line of sight for the injured ship. Anyone can bail water, and anyone can attempt to patch holes, but those with "Strong Back" will be better suited for the latter task.

Boarding ships can be done anytime the ships are within jumping or swinging distance. Boarding weapons may be found or purchased across the seas, but your own to feet are enough to get yourself over to the other deck if need be.

Ships have different stats. Take caution when engaging or running. Know your enemy.