
Tech Leaders Predict the Future of Cloud Computing


Cloud computing has come a long way with a revolutionary history of its evolution. Naming the ideator of this concept is the part of a huge debate, but many believe that the first use of “cloud computing” was done on August 9, 2006, when then Google CEO Eric Schmidt introduced the term to an industry conference. Since its inception, cloud computing has witnessed extremely fascinating breakthroughs launched by some of the leading computer/web organizations of the world.

Being a cost-effective, secure, mobile, and flexible option that grants users numerous capabilities makes cloud computing impeccable. Started with the arrival of salesforce.com, with an intention to deliver business applications through a website, later, tech giants like Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Apple, and others too adopted the cloud technology.

Mirror Review has featured some eminent personalities in cloud computing in its Volume I and Volume II of magazine issue entitled, “The 10 Most Prominent Leaders in Cloud Computing, 2018.” These featured leaders have shared their professional journeys and thoughts on the effects of cloud computing technology on IT sector with us. Moreover, they’ve also verbalized their take on future of cloud computing.

Have a look at their point of view on the future of cloud computing.

  1. Ray Bricknell

Future of Cloud Computing by Ray Bricknell

Ray Bricknell is the Founder of the Clover Index, who has over 35 years of experience in diverse, international, and senior enterprise Finance IT. Today he is focused primarily on and consulting extensively with well-known clients in the mid-tier UK Finance sector.

  1. Sunil Kanchi

Future of Cloud Computing By Sunil Kanchi

The CIO and Senior Vice President of UST GlobalSunil Kanchi is an IT & Engineering Services leader with significant experience in the manufacturing industry. Through UST Global, Sunil is offering real-world IT solutions that enable clients to profitably transform their businesses and the lives of their customers.


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