
CBSE Term 2 Board exams: How to Prepare in two months?


On 5th July 2021, CBSE had decided to conduct board examinations in two terms, i.e. Term 1 and Term 2. Because of the problems caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic, this decision was taken. Recently, the Board has successfully completed the Term 1 examinations.


Now CBSE has decided to conduct Term 2 board examinations for class 10th and 12th in offline mode from 26th April 2022. The Date Sheet will be released soon on Board’s website. 


“After discussing with many stakeholders and considering the country's COVID-19 pandemic scenario, the Board has decided to conduct the Term 2 examinations in offline mode”, Dr. Sanyam Bhardwaj (Controller of Examinations) said.


The question paper's pattern will be the same as that of the Sample Question Papers which were released last month on the Board's academic website. As in previous years, students will take their examinations at the designated examination centers.


The CBSE Term 2 board examinations will be conducted on a 50% reduced syllabus. There will be objective and subjective questions in the papers, including case-based, situation-based, open-ended short answer, and long answer types. The next two months will be crucial when it comes to exam preparation since the exams are so close.


Students can use this time to become familiar with the term 2 syllabus and prepare in accordance with it, allowing them to have sufficient time for revision before taking the exam.


Here are some tips on how to prepare for Term 2 board examinations in two months:

  • Understand the Exam Pattern

CBSE Term 2 board examinations for class 10th and 12th will be different from Term 1 exams. The maximum time allowed to solve the question paper will be 2 hours instead of 90 minutes. You can understand the question types and marking scheme by solving sample question papers available on the board website at cbseacademic.nic.in


  • Get started with your revision

It is important to start preparing as soon as possible. You must begin your revisions right now if you haven't already! If you need help with your revisions, you can join Deepanshi Classes' 3-month crash course with 100+ hours of Hybrid Classes and dedicated doubt clearing sessions.


  • Analyze your strengths and weaknesses

You must be familiar with the syllabus and properly study subjects in order to determine your strengths. You should solve sample question papers, mock examinations, and other similar exercises and self-analyze them in order to identify your weaknesses. Also, become familiar with the marking scheme and aim to finish sample papers within the time period allowed.


  • Avoid ignoring difficult topics

Students frequently neglect complicated topics or chapters. But did you realize they carry a lot of weight? This is why, in order to get the highest possible score, you must understand all of the topics. 


  • Plan your weekly or daily goals

Plan daily and weekly goals that are connected with your study timetable while arranging your day's activities. Encourage yourself to go one step closer each day in your board exam preparations, and reward yourself with breaks or refreshments when you reach your goals.


  • Take it easy and don't exhaust yourself

Do not put your health on the back foot; it will only lead to problems in the long term. Studying for long periods of time reduces productivity and exhausts the body. This is why, in between study times, you should take a rest.


  • Sleep and Eat well

You must get 8 hours of sleep every night; otherwise, you may feel tired and unable to concentrate. Aside from that, what you eat is also important, as you should avoid skipping meals or eating too much junk food. Make it a habit to consume one or two fruits every day. What if we told you that Blueberry, eggs, green tea, leafy vegetables, and almonds all help to improve memory and focus.


Your CBSE Term 2 exams are coming up, best of luck to you. In case, if you need any help in your preparation or revision, Deepanshi Classes is here for you. With sky-high ideals and a commitment to excellence, Deepanshi classes import quality education to students preparing for board examinations. Its value system revolves around honesty, transparency, and commitment, and we present to you who we are.


To get the help you in your preparation for the Term 2 board examination, join our 3-months crash course.



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