
Germany: You Are The Crisis! DHL Fleet Torched in Hamburg

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@anonymous · May 13, 2023


The face of the exploitative system is sometimes only visible in this world by looking behind the numerous corporate logos that flash back and forth before our eyes every day, spitting at us from illuminated billboards or pestering us penetratingly from the Internet.

The companies behind names like Amazon, Tesla, Vattenfall, Deutsche Bahn, Thyssen-Krupp, Telekom, DHL, etc., leave much more visible traces in other areas of the world. Destruction of nature and war have turned this earth into a battlefield and the people and animals who live on it into mentally and physically unwell beings.

The analyses that try to capture what has led to the current misery here since the beginning of the industrial age are neither abstract nor far-fetched. They clearly name the capitalist actors as the culprits and the patriarchal system they adhere to as the root cause. Only complete idiots still believe that reformist policies and green capitalism can be acceptable ways out of the crisis.


For us, it will never be enough to mark our cross at the next election or to consume or do without in one way or another. Another world can only become possible with diverse means. That is why on the night of May 11 we attacked with fire a fleet of trucks of the company DHL. Several vans and box trucks were thus given over to the flames.


With an armada of trucks, vans and a large squadron of airplanes, DHL is an enormous, CO2-emitting polluter that exemplifies the destructive lifestyle of the industrial system. Even the greenwashing campaign that this corporation runs can only fool the most naive. Let's destroy as much as we can to slow down the destruction of the planet.


Deutsche Handels Logistik prides itself on the logistical handling of military equipment. Transporting weapons, ammunition, tanks and other military equipment remains a thriving business - and especially so at a time when so many are having to leave their homes because of this killing machinery. After a successful militant campaign a few years ago, the group withdrew its bid for a major contract from the German armed forces, but it nevertheless remains involved in military logistics around the world. DHL earns well from the misery, but also ideologically they obviously mean well for the murderers in uniform. The handling of "field mail" is certainly not the most lucrative business by far, but is nevertheless gladly taken over by DHL and Deutsche Post for quite some time. The partnership between DHL and the Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces), which is supposed to enable soldiers to pursue a civilian career after their service, also speaks volumes about the orientation of this corporation.


Of course, DHL's huge machine does not run without exploitation. Thousands of workers from various contracting companies, who rush up the staircases of the order addicts every day, keep the store running - always with the threat of dismissal breathing down their necks. In turbo-capitalism, it is a business model to drive people to the point of burnout and to exploit hardship. Those who don't have a free choice of work because of racist, sexist or social stigmas are forced into shitty jobs. Those who do not let themselves be pressed into shitty jobs find themselves in the disgusting system of the employment agencies. Those who don't participate in this system are left with an empty plate. Corporations like DHL profit from this injustice.


You are the crisis! We are pleased about the ongoing attacks against the perpetrators and profiteers of the permanent "crisis".
Our thoughts are with all the frustrated and angry. For all the exploited and oppressed.
This fire of solidarity is also for the prisoners struggling behind bars - we are pleased about the partial victory of the comrade Alfredo Cospito and wish him a lot of strength for his future path.
Also: Come to the Day-X demonstration in the Antifa East trial in Leipzig!


Hamburg in Spring


source: https://de.indymedia.org/node/277992

translated by Nae Midion