If you know how to present yourself online, you will be able to generate organic leads and allow yourself to spend your money in other key departments. What happens when it works a little too well, and you can’t handle the incoming business? Let an AI Bot handle that.
Using new technology that enables fast human-like communication and executes all admin tasks for prospective leads is the ultimate solution. Our AI Bot is the best and most proficient way to ensure that zero leads slip through the cracks and your online reputation will quickly grow from fast and trusted service. Impressing a client with swift communication is key for trust between provider and customer. Many bad reviews are sourced from this issue and oftentimes it’s due to increased workload, not necessarily negligence. The AI Bot will ensure that all customer concerns are brought to attention and can easily communicate with potential customers, setting up scheduling and even converting sales directly on your website. Having an automated assistant run everything behind the scenes will pay off greatly in the amount of customers you’ll be able to advise and attend to once you’re out from underneath the burden. From small businesses to large corporations and franchises, the AI Bot will handle any workload and ensure quality of leads before they hit your doorstep.
Our AI Bot will communicate with the hottest prospective leads and will continue to do so as near to a sale as feasible, reducing workload. Time management is crucial, and you'll be able to monitor and manage all of your online activity from a single AI Reporting dashboard.
Once you’ve been able to get to all of these new customers, the job has been done well and you definitely deserve something from it. The AI Bot will automatically send out a 5-Star Review Generation notification in order to get the most recent feedback from those happy clients. They are able to use your platforms to express their satisfaction, and any others will be taken and brought to the attention of your management so there are zero incoming negative reviews. Even if they did not have a good experience, they will have a sense that something is being done and will decrease the chances of them leaving you a bad review. Customers with a positive experience will be happy to share their positive judgement, resulting in an increase in your star rating and general online reputation for other customers to see.
The AI chat bot may be used on various social media platforms, websites, and even emails to provide 24/7 help to your consumers. It works as an extension of your staff, taking the initiative to ensure that all clients are dealt with promptly and correctly in order to get the most out of your product or service. Customers will be greeted by the chat bot, who will be able to ask questions, receive pricing, and potentially convert sales. This is all while taking care of the rest of your business's requirements, and it doesn't get much easier.
Having a reliable online AI Bot that completely manages all online aspects of leads and customer support will significantly increase trust and value in your product, and organic leads will start making a line. These leads are detrimental to your online presence, as they are interested in your product or service without any advertisement going to them, saving that for more unaware customers. You no longer have to imagine where your company might be if you were able to get to every paying customer interested in your company, because now it’s faster, easier and cheaper than ever. The automatic software uses our advanced algorithms so that these customers feel comfortable, as if they were speaking to a real person. At the same rate, once the client is satisfied with the end results of whichever product or service rendered, enable them to leave you good reviews with an automatically generated 5-Star Review notification. Using the AI Bot to manage all stages of your customer base will allow you to convert more sales and speed up the entire process, from start to finish.