
Prophetic Ministry - What Are Some Signs That You Have the Spiritual Gift of Prophecy?

This was my reaction to an inquiry posed to on Yahoo replies. The inquiry read,
Serious inquiry: I know as a Christian we shouldn't have our fortunes told yet... ? Has anybody done as such? Was it exact? Do you accept there is any legitimacy to it? I can't understand how my hand can tell my future yet I am interested.
I showed her that prediction exists today and gave models and made sense of these gifts in this concise response and article here.
It's a decent inquiry and you have many responses yet I may very well add one here.
In the book of 1 Corinthians Prophecy is recorded as one of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. As a catholic I believe you trust different things to be the gifts as I have perused a few Catholic sites on the gifts of the Spirit.
Be that as it may, here is the refrain.
7Now to every one the appearance of the Spirit is given for a long term benefit. 8To one there is provided through the Spirit with the message of shrewdness, to one more the message of information through a similar Spirit, 9to one more confidence by a similar Spirit, to one more gifts of recuperating by that one Spirit, 10to one more wonderful powers, to another prescience, to another recognizing spirits, to one more talking in various types of tongues,[a] and to in any case one more the understanding of tongues.[b] 11All these are crafted by very much the same Spirit, and he gives them to every one, similarly as he decides.
The endowment of information recorded here is a capacity that I have that permits me to educate an individual explicit things regarding their life and character and circumstances without knowing them. The endowment of Knowledge is an effective method for beginning a discussion I have found as it was utilized by Jesus with the lady at Jacobs well.
He said you have had six spouses and the accomplice you have now isn't your better half. She answered, I see you are a prophet. Of which Jesus was.
The endowment of information has a fake that physical science have yet the soul that gives them the information about an individual is a detestable soul.
The message of shrewdness above likewise is a prophetic gift. The message of shrewdness is the Lord Jesus' heading for an individual to take in a particular circumstance. This isn't pleasant guidance, this an individual message from God, say that, this man in your life ought not be the one you are to wed. The men in the Bible's Old Testament that were prophets used to utilize this message of shrewdness when they gave a lord a particular method for battling a conflict. At the point when it was followed the country of Israel had a triumph when it was overlooked they had weighty misfortunes.
The endowment of prescience is a gift that permits you to talk a message to an individual or a collection of professors in a congregation meeting in an article, that is an important and individual message from God and his throneroom to that individual at that specific overall setting. I have composed predictions that remembered expressions of information and messages of shrewdness for them additionally that have gone for ten pages.
Individuals of the world search out predictions from some unacceptable side in light of the fact that the majority of the congregation accept and instruct that prophets don't exist any longer since Jesus last follower kicked the bucket and that the gifts of the Holy Spirit died with them.
This is baloney.
I have by and by precisely given more than 1,000 predictions to individuals online through email and face to face and I have seen bittersweet tears happiness in people groups eyes as I have conveyed the individual ones.