
What are the dangers of humidifiers? The use of humidifiers?

Abstract: In the cold winter, the use of heating to heat for a long time, then the indoor air environment will become more dry development up, the human skin has a very bad impact, so we need to teachers at this time will need the help of humidifiers, through the humidifier can make the indoor air to 加濕器 carry out to start becoming moist again. Then for ourselves below to introduce the main analysis of the use of humidifiers management and humidifiers will produce those social hazards.

Nowadays, with the development of technology, various devices can effectively solve the dry heat in summer and cold in winter, such as air conditioning and heating, but if you use air conditioning and heating for a long time, it will also make the air very dry and make people feel uncomfortable. At this time, many people will use humidifiers to alleviate this dry air situation. How much do you know about air humidifiers? Do you understand the use and hazards of air humidifiers? If you don't know, let's take a look together.

What are the uses of humidifiers

1: Humidifier can effectively increase the humidity of the air, the use of air humidifier can improve air-conditioned rooms and dry winter indoor environment. Because humid air can keep the bedroom full of vitality, so that people's skin is moisturized, thus promoting the blood circulation and metabolism of facial cells, so that people's tension and fatigue can be relieved and relaxed. Therefore, within the appropriate humidity range, human physiology and thinking are in a good state, work and rest have good results, and healthy humidity not only inhibits the growth and spread of bacteria, but also improves immunity.

2: purify the social environment, part of the humidifier in the atomization treatment process, the release of a large number of negative oxygen ions, not only can effectively carry out to increase an indoor humidity, moisten dry air, but also with the air floating smoke, dust can be combined with the development of their precipitation, thus being able to effectively remove the smell of paint, mildew, smoke and odor, so that the air quality has more fresh.

3: moisten the skin, beauty: hot summer and abnormally dry winter, resulting in excessive water loss of human skin, accelerating the aging of corporate life, moist air quality to develop to maintain a vibrant, promote students facial tumor cells through the blood system circulation and metabolism, so that you glow.

What are the hazards of humidifiers

Ultrasonic humidifier, radiation damage, we all know that the ultrasonic wave will be on the human body cells can cause the enterprise a certain killing power, naturally will also develop a certain radiation damage caused by students, this is especially obvious in pregnant women; air original dust and bacteria, etc., will be through the attachment of these small particles and thus affect the generation of a secondary pollution, which is why they exist some national health management The relatively high requirements of the local government to prohibit the use of humidifiers.

Arthritis and diabetic patients should use air humidifiers with caution. Humid air can aggravate arthritis and diabetes, so they are generally not recommended for such patients. If such patients do need to use a humidifier to reduce some respiratory complications, they should consult and communicate with a specialist to determine the appropriate humidity level to stabilize the primary condition.

Clean the humidifier regularly according to the design guidelines. If the humidifier product itself is not hygienic, germs will float in the air with the water vapor, which will also affect human health problems causing serious harm.

So the use of air humidifiers and air humidifier hazards are introduced here, I wonder if we still do not understand? I hope you can use the air humidifier correctly to avoid harm and effectively alleviate the problem of indoor dryness.

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