ISO 27001 Annex : A.18 Compliance in this article explain Compliance with Legal and Contractual Requirements, Identification of Applicable Legislation and Contractual Requirements and Intellectual Property Rights this controls.
A.18.1 Compliance with Legal and Contractual Requirements
It’s objective is to protect against violation of legal, statutory, regulatory, or contractual obligations relating to information security and any other security requirements.
A.18.1.1 Identification of Applicable Legislation and Contractual Requirements
Control- Each of these information systems and organizations should specifically identify, document, and update all relevant statutory, regulatory, contractual requirements, and the approach of the organization towards compliance with these requirements.
Implementation Guidance- There must also be identification and documentation of basic controls and individual obligations to fulfill those criteria.
In order to satisfy the criteria for their business form, administrators should recognize all the legislation that relates to their organization. If the organization is operating in other countries, managers in all related countries will ensure compliance.
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A.18.1.2 Intellectual Property Rights
Control- Proper procedures will be followed to ensure that the legal, regulatory, and contractual provisions relating to ownership of intellectual property and the use of proprietary software products are complied upon.
Implementation Guidance- In order to protect any material regarded as intellectual property, the following guidelines should be adopted:
- Publish a guideline for the legitimate use of software and information products in line with intellectual property rights;
- To purchase software so that copies are not breached, software only from known and reputable sources;
- Maintaining awareness and notifying the intention to take disciplinary steps against personnel who violate intellectual property rights policy;
- Maintain adequate registers of assets and identify all assets with intellectual rights protection requirements;
- Maintaining evidence and evidence of license ownership, master disks, manuals, etc.;
- Implement controls to ensure that no maximum number of approved users is exceeded;
- Conduct reviews to check that product and software installed are solely licensed;
- Provide a policy for the enforcement of appropriate conditions of license;
- Provide an information disposal/transfer of strategy to others;
- Compliance with software terms and conditions and public network information;
- Not replicate, transform, or extract from commercial (film, audio) recordings, other than those permitted under the law of copyright;
- Books, articles, reports, or other documents not fully or partially copied except as permitted by copyright legislation.
Also Read : ISO 27001 Annex : A.17.1.3 Verify, Review and Evaluate Information Security Continuity
Other Information- Copyright for software or material, design rights, trademarks, patents, and licenses to code sources include intellectual property rights.
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