
3 Important Considerations While Using Gas Monitoring Equipment

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@anonymous · Sep 17, 2021

Many people die from gas leaks and the resulting deathly explosions. In addition, a large number of people fall sick because of the ongoing exposure to leaking hazardous gases in their plants, factories, and worksites. The good news is you can reduce the number of accidents and sick workers at your plant or facility by using gas monitoring equipment properly. Read on to understand how Gas Detectors or monitoring equipment should be used.

Appropriate Gas Monitoring Equipment

In many workplaces and plants, it is important to constantly monitor hazardous gases in order to detect any gases that could potentially be dangerous for the safety of workers. Hazardous gases, like Carbon monoxide (CO), are often odourless and colourless which makes them difficult to be detected without the appropriate gas monitoring equipment. In addition, low levels of oxygen can lead to loss of consciousness and eventually death. Therefore, it is necessary to use suitable Gas Monitoring Equipment which is capable of detecting all harmful gases in the work environment.


The second most important thing is for workers to be able to use gas monitoring equipment to detect any hazards in time. This would require an understanding of the nature of hazardous gases, equipment usage, detection capabilities as well as limitations. For example, some gases like hydrogen, methane and ammonia are light so they are most likely to rise up whereas others are heavier and sink. Workers should be adequately trained in using and inspecting the equipment so that they can prevent any hazards and accidents. 

Limitations of Gas Monitoring Equipment

The sensors on the Gas Monitoring Equipment may take some time to show a response. For example, sensors on photo ionization detectors may respond faster than those based on electro-chemicals. They may respond in 20 to 40 seconds. So, if it takes you 40 seconds to move through a tunnel or a glass door, your gas monitor will still be analysing the air at the first door at the entrance. Therefore, it is necessary that workers know how their gas monitoring equipment works.


If you are looking to buy gas detectors or gas detection equipment in Houston, TX, talk to Green Light Safety at 832-262-9931 right away. With more than 15 years’ experience in this industry, Green Light Safety specializes in reliable rentals, sales and service of Gas Detection equipment as well as calibration of the equipment.