It is not much surprising that many more companies are seeking to be cloud-agnostic. About 93% of enterprises now run a multi-cloud strategy that utilizes two or more public data-processing solutions. This grants businesses to take advantage of the many differences in prices or features between providers.
Over the last few years, the IT and computing industries have changed dramatically. Around 91% of organizations have adopted the public cloud for multiple tasks. This refers to storage, software, virtual machines, and other cloud computing services that are offered by third parties on the internet. Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure are some of the most popular public cloud providers.
Companies also embrace this strategy to avoid vendor lock-in. Data-processing (cloud) companies have changed the ways how companies do business. It manages to do so by giving the companies more services and products without maintaining their hardware and infrastructure. Although, this enhanced reliance on data-processing also brings the risk of dependency.
Even if companies like Google or Amazon do not seem to go out of business, companies like AOL show that a vendor can cut back their services. Being cloud-agnostic avoids the risk of vendor lock-in if you make your company adaptable and flexible.
Strategies for being Cloud Agnostic
There are many strategies and tactics that you can apply to make your business work more smoothly with the help of the modern cloud. These will be quite advantageous for your company regardless of where you stand on the cloud-agnostic spectrum.
The Network-based Strategy is Standard Practice in 2020
In the year 2019, around 90% of the companies are depending on network-based computing for some if not all of their projects. Additionally, businesses are not quite putting to use this from more particular workloads. A year prior, around 45% of total systems were running on a cloud computing service which now has increased to 60%. This graph of growth will just continue by the time 2020 arrives.
Cloud agnostic management is time and money efficient
Today most businesses use public network-based systems depending upon multiple service vendors. Because of this heavy demand, the cloud-agnostic solution is gradually becoming a requisite. If practical elements of flexibility have to be built for the easy functioning of businesses, the tools and infrastructure should work across both private and public network-based services.