Homelessness - Social Awareness: Let's Work Together to Make a Difference
Not very long ago, homelessness wasn’t even thought of as a problem. It was practically considered an unavoidable aspect of life, especially in major cities such as Los Angeles and New York City. But times have changed, and homelessness has become a hot topic among politicians, activists, celebrities, and more. In fact, the number of homeless people in the United States has increased by about 80% since 2007 according to the National Alliance to End Homelessness! That’s why it’s time we bring the issue of homelessness into the spotlight and help make a difference in our communities...
It’s hard to ignore the massive homeless problem that plagues the world today. It seems like every major city has people living on the streets, and every day another person becomes homeless due to circumstances beyond their control. While some solutions involve working directly with the homeless themselves, it’s just as important to help others understand the social issues surrounding homelessness so we can all work together to make a difference in our communities.
In the United States, over 5,000 people are homeless on any given night. That’s an issue that affects our entire country, as well as the world at large. In order to truly make a difference and help those who need it most, though, we must all work together in coming up with solutions and supporting each other along the way. Social awareness is what brings us together to do this. Here are some tips to get you started on your own journey toward social awareness in helping to end homelessness in our communities….
- Homelessness
- Reasons for Homelessness
- Types of homelessness
- Challenges faced by the Homelessness
- Challenges faced by the Homeless Children
- Efforts to be taken by the Government
- Solutions to solve the problem of Homelessness
The number of homeless people in America has increased by 9% in only one year. The average age of a homeless person is nine years old. Families with children are an increasingly important segment of homelessness and make up 30% of all homeless families, but 72% of those who are unsheltered. A typical family may find themselves homeless for any number of reasons including financial problems or an eviction that wasn't their fault. In fact, according to The National Center on Family Homelessness, there are more than 1 million children in America that are at risk for becoming homeless. These statistics don't even tell you how many other Americans are one paycheck away from being out on the streets as well! It doesn't have to be like that though. If we work together we can change things and help each other through these tough times. For example, if your neighbour loses his job he can stay with you until he gets back on his feet again. Maybe someone else needs food so they can feed their kids so they go door-to-door asking for donations instead of resorting to stealing it? You could volunteer your time doing something meaningful like helping a local charity or organization that helps others in need? There are lots of ways we can work together to help each other without having to give up our own comforts! Please join me today by spreading awareness about homelessness using social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest etc... We can do it together if we try!
Reasons for Homelessness
There are so many different reasons why people become homeless and then there are other reasons why they stay homeless as well. I'd like to share my own experience on what I have seen over time from working with clients who were, at one point, experiencing homelessness. One reason for homelessness is someone who was evicted or could not pay their rent due to lack of income. Another reason for homelessness is addiction issues. This is more common than you would think. People can get addicted to drugs and alcohol and then lose everything because of it. They end up losing their jobs, apartments, cars etc.. Another reason for homelessness is mental illness such as bi-polar disorder or schizophrenia which makes it hard for them to hold down a job or make healthy decisions leading them down a path towards homelessness. The last reason for homelessness is domestic violence. It's very common for women to leave their homes when things get out of control and turn violent between her and her partner. She may feel she has no choice but to leave all she knows behind in hopes of starting fresh somewhere else where she feels safe again. Sometimes these women have children with them when they leave making it even harder on them because now they have to worry about taking care of themselves while also caring for their children too. All these reasons listed above are just some examples but there are plenty more out there too! If you or anyone you know if experiencing homelessness please contact your local shelter/social services agency immediately! There are organizations that can help you find affordable housing and work with you through any personal issues or struggles you might be having. You will never be alone!! Remember, homelessness doesn't discriminate! Anyone regardless of race, age, gender or sexual orientation can fall victim to being homeless. Helping those in need will help build a stronger community together!
Types of homelessness
- Chronic homelessness.
- Episodic homelessness.
- Transitional homelessness.
To Read More: Homelessness - Social Awareness: Let's Work Together to Make a Difference