
Why is DIY tree removal a bad idea?

Quite often, it has been seen that there’s a tree on your property that appears to block your path or is blocking your picturesque view. The first thing that comes to your mind will be to rush to the nearest tool shop or use that chainsaw that’s in your garage. Well, we will suggest you not to. Why? Because we are talking about cutting a tree, not a small herb or shrub that can be pulled out by hands. We have seen lots of circumstances where the users try to remove the tree on their own, but end up hurting themselves. Cutting a tree is not as simple as it sounds. It requires a lot of expertise and calculations, considering the surroundings around the tree, the size of the tree, how scattered the branches of the tree are, and others.
Due to chainsaw fatalities every year, many people end up in hospitals. Most of them are untrained tree cutters or domestic heroes who thought they could bring down the tree on their own. We know it’s a cheap way to clear out your backyard or front porch, but it is never advisable. No matter how many precautions you take, such operations can be dangerous or life-taking for your neighbours or can damage your own house, resulting in shelling out extra pounds that you thought you will save by doing it on your own. To broaden the scenario, we have listed some facts that prove why it’s a job for professional tree services.
1.  Consider the Gravity- Once the tree starts becoming weak, it will eventually fall and there’s no way where you can predict the direction or the side on which it will fall. Till date, there’s no formula or any kind of calculation that can guess where the tree will land. Cutting a tree without considering the gravity may result in the falling of a log on the powerlines, your house or your neighbours' house, or any person.
Professional tree cutters use safety bucket trucks, ropes, harnesses, and hardhats. They are trained to know how to establish a safe area around the site. Holding a chainsaw and climbing the ladder is a really bad idea. Similarly climbing a tree with a chainsaw hung over your shoulder can be a possible tragic incident if by any chance you lose your balance and fall and that too if you fall on the saw. Enough scary to give you goosebumps and convince you not to do it on your own.
2. The right set of tools and equipment- Whenever you call for professionals to help you with the tree removal, they are all prepared with the right set of tools and instruments that are needed to get their job done in a safe manner.
On the contrary, when you are doing it on your own, it’s often not possible to gather all the tools and equipment on your own. Like you would not be having a 40-foot-long knuckle-boom carrier in your shed or a harness setup to climb up a long tree. But it will be impossible to bring the tree down without them. Failure in using the right set of tools may result in fatal injuries and can be life-threatening for you, your family, your neighbours, or the people on the footpath.
3. Damage to property- When you take the job of cutting a tree, you should better be a physicist, a great mathematician, or a professional tree cutter. Because without proper calculations and estimates, it’s impossible to bring down a tree safely. When planning to cut a tree, it often looks easy, but wait till the time you have to figure out where its branches will fall or in which direction the main stem will fall. This is where the complex calculations come into the picture.
Professionals spend years analysing certain angles and doing the right calculations to ensure maximum safety. So it’s better to let them handle their job, so that you, your family, and your surroundings can stay safe. Often the decaying trees shed wood and it becomes weak from a few parts, this might be left unnoticed by you but the tree surgeons in Wimbledon are trained and aware of such situations, so they take such scenarios into account and do their job.
4. Tree disposal- Consider, somehow you have cut down the tree, but now what about the disposing of all the waste and remains? The big tree logs, the dried-up leaves, and stems, and that leftover tree stamp, have already created a lot of extra waste that has to be removed.
While you might not have big loading trucks to you, this will end up adding to your cost of cutting a tree, which might be more than the amount you were planning to save by doing it on your own. So it’s important to hire professional tree services who can do all these tasks and can save you lots of time and effort.
Planning to cut a tree on your own might sound like an easy task, but it is very complicated. It requires lots of expertise and a professional team of experts so that it can be done without hurting anybody. If you think doing the tree cutting by yourself can save you money, keep in mind that without guidance and help from experts, you might end up losing more than what's in your bank account or not say might take someone’s life. To avoid such horrific scenes and tragedies, it’s important to hire an expert like Above All Tree Care.