
Why second hand computers are best for buying?

Second hand computers are best for buying because they can help us save a lot of money and we get a quality product without paying more.


Second hand desktops are widely used by a lot of people but very few people know the correct way and procedure to buy used computers. There are a lot of scammers who try to sell their faulty product and make your product worthless.

Why do people buy second hand computers? 

People buy second hand computer because they are low cost and easily available in very good condition. Condition as good as a new computer.


As most people used desktops for commercial purposes as DVD & VCDs are outdated, desktops are best for watching videos or movies, browsing the internet, etc.


Buying a used one is best for commercial purposes because no heavy work is done on the desktop and very high chances that it will last for a longer period.

Is it a smart move to buy a used computer?

People buy second hand computers because they are low cost and easily available in very good condition. Condition as good as a new computer. But we have to be very careful while buying the used product.


As most people used desktops for commercial purposes as DVD & VCDs are outdated, desktops are best for watching videos or movies, browsing the Internet, etc. For normal usage, it is always better to buy a second hand computer as it is low cost and as well as in good condition.


I honestly believe buying used computer is an absolutely smart move as you can save a lot of money, you get a good product and if the product is used under a year then you may also have a warranty. It is worthless to buy a new computer. Save money buy and get benefited by buying second hand computer.

Are Second Hand Computers safe?

Second hand computers are safe to buy but before buying a used computer check and look out for various things that to be checked by a good computer technician or you can check it too, if you know internal and external hardware.

There are a lot of scammers looking to sell their faulty laptops without letting the other person know and if you buy it blindly then you might be in trouble in near future.


If you have an idea and knowledge of computers then it is better to buy a used one and it is safe because you checked it thoroughly and carefully.

Things to check before buying a Used Computer

  1. Documents: Before buying a used computer check for valid and original documents. It might be a stolen or fake one. Beware!
  2. Physical Damage: Check for any external damage to the computer like a cracked monitor or broken CPU vents or damaged USB ports.
  3. Noise: Check carefully for any type of noise from the CPU it might be the Graphics Card fan or HDD fan if there is a loud or odd sound then, either fan or the HDD has to be replaced.
  4. Genuine Windows: Right-click on My Computer>>Then Click Properties. Look whether your windows are activated or not. Also, look for genuine windows installed or not.
  5. Software: Check for the pre-installed software installed inside the computers working or not.
  6. Slow: Use the computer for at least 45-50mins continuously. Check how good is the response and whether it is lagging or slowing down the computer.
  7. Motherboard: Check the motherboard of the computer carefully. Check the RAM and of which brand it is attached to the motherboard and look for other chips and cards working fine or not.
  8. Usage: Check the overall time the computer has been used and also check the age of the computer like how long it has been brought.
  9. Overall Inspection: Check the overall computer including keyboard and mouse are all the keys of the keyboard working or not and check the computer once again as a whole in case if you missed something to check.
  10. Price: After looking at all the following things check, inquire or do some research on how much you should pay for this computer. If you don’t check if may over-pay for the used computer.


Where can you sell & buy used computers for a good price?

You can sell & buy used computers on classified sites like Cifiyah. It is one of the most trusted sites to buy and sell your products easily and securely. You can get huge varieties and options to buy cheap computers, refurbished computers, used desktops and you can also get good and better computer deals & latest gadgets deals than any other classified site. You get good deals from online sellers rather than offline sellers.


You can post free ads on the Cifiyah website to sell or buy used computers easily. If you are new to the site then, Register and post an advertisement on the product that you want to want to sell and mention all the details of the product including a good photo of the product to be sold and fix the desired price at which rate you want to sell used computers and wait for interested customers to contact you through mail or phone number that you have mentioned it during the time of advertisement.