
Why hire a digital marketing agency?

What Is Digital Marketing? (Learn it in 5 Minutes)

A common question among companies that want to start investing in digital marketing is whether to create an internal department or outsource this activity. In this article, we will list some reasons why hiring 5 West Media Group might be the best option for your business.


Even if you already have one or two professionals within your company executing some marketing strategies, having an agency for other activities that require more specialization or robust tools may be interesting.

Well, let's go!


Why hire a digital marketing agency

1. Work with experts
This topic is not the first by chance. Having the support and expertise of experts in their fields is the first answer to why hire a digital marketing agency.


As an agency, you have access to the technical expertise and resources to execute the strategies your business needs to reach, engage and convert the ideal volume of clients.


A digital marketing agency has, among its collaborators, experts in various fields to ensure that your organization has access to the most innovative and relevant strategies and market trends.


Within a digital marketing strategic plan, you will identify the need to execute actions in different areas of marketing, including:


  • IF THE;
  • Inbound Marketing;
  • e-mail marketing;
  • sponsored links and more.

A digital marketing agency has several specialists who work in their area and offer the most current for your company.


The development of a plan itself can best be carried out by professionals who understand all the trends in digital marketing and are experienced in developing this document.


In short, a digital marketing agency has a set of collaborators that allows the right combination of strategies to meet your company's objectives and each campaign to be formed.


2. Manage your budget more efficiently
Digital marketing agencies are usually responsible for investments in sponsored links actions, also known as paid ads that your company carries out on Google AdWords, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter Ads.


Agencies have professionals specialized in managing the digital marketing budget to optimize your return on investment, which is why this is another reason why you should hire a digital marketing agency.


In addition to the expertise acquired in courses and certifications, these professionals have the experience of having created hundreds of advertisements for other clients. This broadens your understanding of where, when, and what to invest in, which increases results achieved using the pre-arranged budget for campaigns.


With this, in addition to having more effective investment management, your company will have a greater return on investment, which, in other words, means that you will earn more from the campaigns carried out. 


3. Reduce costs

Following the same logic as the topic above, one of the reasons why hiring a digital marketing agency is the possibility to "save" money and better allocate your investments.


At first, you may think hiring a digital marketing agency will increase your company's expenses. However, think about how much you will save by not having to maintain an internal team exclusively focused on this area of ​​the business.


Remember that you will need to have in your staff trained professionals specialized in different fronts of digital marketing. It is likely that your company does not have access to as many professionals as an agency can offer, even with the high investment. It is not just a question of quantity but also quality and specialization.


A qualified agency has all the expertise needed for a digital marketing strategy, and at a fraction of the cost it takes to assemble a qualified in-house team.