How To Win Your War Against Bad Breath
One of the most common health problems in society is bad breath. Foul smelling breath might be the effect of a variety of reasons. The growth of anaerobic bacteria on the tongue is the most frequent reason for this. The protein present in the food we consume is broken down by these bacteria, resulting in the formation of malodorous gases like skatol, hydrogen sulphide etc.
Just about everyone has bad breath when they wake up in the morning. This can be reduced by a significant amount by maintaining good oral hygiene. Some individuals may suffer from bad breath even after they ensure good oral hygiene due to other problems in their mouth or body. Certain diseases also cause bad breath. The precise cause of the bad breath needs to be identified and treated accordingly. Some remedies for bad breath are given below.
The mouth should be frequently washed to discourage the growth of oral bacteria. Gargling with warm water is vital after every meal. Mouth should be washed even after consuming snacks like sweets or biscuits. Brushing twice a day is necessary. It is a common adage that brushing in the mornings is for beauty, whereas brushing before bedtime is for health.
Bad breath can also be caused by white or yellow coating on the tongue. This is more prominent in the mornings and has to be removed twice a day with the help of tongue cleaners. Care needs to be taken while using tongue cleaners to prevent the damage to the taste buds. A tooth pick is basically a small sliver of plastic or wood with a sharp tip. It is used to get rid of particles of food stuck in between the teeth. It's especially useful after consuming meat or fish. It has to be used carefully to avoid damage to the gums.
It's really useful to gargle the mouth with warm water after every meal. To enhance the effect, salt is added to the water. Various types of mouthwashes are available in the market as well. Using mouthwash to gargle can also reduce the incidence of bad breath.
Food rich in proteins is also known to cause bad breath. If food items like meat, fish, milk or eggs are consumed, it's vital to clean the mouth properly. Certain food items, like raw onions, have a specific smell which others may find unpleasant. It has been said that an apple a day may keep the doctor away, but a piece of onion a day keeps everyone away. Snack items taken, like nuts, taken between meals may also cause bad breath. Sticking to regular times for meals is vital to avoid bad breath.
A dry mouth forms an ideal environment for the growth of oral bacteria. Saliva is essential to keep the mouth wet and reduce the growth of bacteria. Saliva secretion depends to a large extent on the amount of water consumed, and so enough water needs to be drunk to sustain saliva production.
The bad breath can be reduced by using natural or artificial mouth fresheners. Mostly, spicy items are used. Chewing of spices like cumin seed, clove, cinnamon, ginger, garlic etc., is also helpful. Citrus fruits also help fight bad breath. Chewing gums and mouth fresheners are available commercially , but care needs to be taken in while using them to prevent damage to gums and teeth.
To avoid bad breadth, good brushing technique is necessary. Brushing vigorously may result in damaged gums. Brushing after every meal and snack could lead to loss of enamel. The bristles of the brush need to be hard but smooth to get rid of particles from between the teeth. The most important aspect of brushing is the direction of brushing. The lower teeth need to brushed upwards, and it's the other way around for the upper teeth. This is valid for both the inner and outer surfaces. For the crowns of the teeth, a forward and backward motion is recommended. This has to be done for both the upper and lower set of teeth.
If none of the above methods work, what can be done?
- Removal of cause
Bad breath can result from diseases like fevers, diabetes, liver diseases, gastric disorders etc. Removing the primary cause will eliminate the bad breath automatically.
- Modern Medicine
Bad breath may be caused by an infection and antibiotics, anti-viral and antifungal medicine can help cure it. In case it is due to chronic inflammatory conditions or an autoimmune response, steroids could be used. Tablets encouraging saliva secretion can also help.
- Dental Cleaning
A visit to the dentist can reduce the amount of plaque and tartar in the mouth. This greatly reduces the intensity of the bad breath.
- Filling Caries
As caries is one of the major causes of bad breath, it needs to be filled up by a dentist. Initially, silver amalgam was used, but now synthetic materials have replaced it. In case the cavity pulp is affected, root canal treatment is needed.
- Tooth Extraction
In case the caries is deep with major damage to the teeth, extraction of the tooth is the best choice.
- Tonsillectomy
Patients suffering from chronic tonsillitis can have malodorous breath as a result of the discharges from the crypts of the tonsils. Such people notice a drastic change after tonsillectomy.
- Psychological Counseling
People suffering from bad breath can become depressed and avoid others. This self-inflicted isolation greatly disturbs their normal life. These people need to realize that everybody suffers from bad breath, only their intensity varies. Most people control it by good hygiene. Every has his/her own unique smell which others could find offensive. The need to ensure all personal hygiene is taken care of to reduce the intensity. Psychological support from family and friends is vital.
Certain people visit doctors to cure their bad breath, even without a problem. This is considered somatization disorder. These people usually suffer from breathlessness, pain, bad breath, abdominal discomfort etc. The presence of any real causes needs to be ruled out with proper diagnosis and psychological support provided for the patient.
- Homeopathy
Depending on the mental, physical, social and emotional condition of the person, medicine is selected in homeopathy. Depending on the person's constitution, the medicine's strength and dosage is decided. Depending on the coating on the tongue, smell type, cause of bad breath, etc. a medicine is selected. In homeopathy, over 140 medicines are available for bad breath, according to Dr. Robin Murphy. Some common drugs used are antim, arnica, sulphur, pulsatile, nuxvomica, psorinum, etc.
How To Get Rid Of Bad Breath For Good
People who suffer from bad breath know the misery of it, and they are willing to do anything to learn how to get rid of bad breath. The good news is that you can easily learn how to get rid of bad breath, given that the condition is not due to a medical condition. You simply need to observe the food that you eat and maintain hygienic oral conditions on a regular basis.
What Causes Bad Breath?
Commonly, food particles get stuck in between your teeth after you have eaten and give rise to bad breath. People who take protein-rich diets are the ones who usually face this problem, and they have to literally struggle to learn how to get rid of bad breath. On the contrary, people who eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables hardly need to bother about learning how to get rid of bad breath. Fresh fruits and vegetables give rise to a fresh and clean breath. No wonder, we hardly see vegetarians struggling to learn how to get rid of bad breath.
Five Simple Ways to Get Rid of Bad Breath
An average person can easily learn how to get rid of bad breath, provided he or she is not suffering from a gastric disorder or some other medical condition. The chief agents that cause bad breath are the bacteria that feed on the food sticking to your teeth. Follow these five simple points that teach you how to get rid of bad breath.
First and foremost, invest in a good toothbrush and some floss. This is the best way you can learn how to get rid of bad breath. It is very important that you pay special attention to oral hygiene.
Second, learn to brush your tongue in addition to brushing your teeth if you want to get rid of bad breath permanently. The bacteria that love feasting on the food stuck to your teeth also enjoy burrowing into your tongue. Drive them away by regularly brushing your tongue. Now, you are on the way to learning how to get rid of bad breath.
Third, fix a convenient schedule for oral hygiene. This practice will get rid of all the bacteria responsible for your bad breath. Brush your teeth after every meal and floss regularly. Using a disinfectant mouthwash will flush out from your mouth all the bacterial culprits that are responsible for your bad breath.
Fourth, quit smoking for good because it is the number one cause of bad breath. If you are a smoker, the cigarette smoke will lend a bad smell not only your mouth, but also your clothes and hair. Dental equipment such as toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash might control bad breath in case of smokers; however, they can do nothing about the bad smell arising from a smoker's body. If you want to really get rid of bad breath, seriously consider quitting smoking for good.
Fifth, stop drinking alcoholic beverages because they can give you a bad breath. If you are a heavy drinker, your breath will smell of alcohol. Even if you try all methods available under the sun, including the use of mouth fresheners, you will not be successful in getting rid of the smell.
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