
Stroll in the footsteps of Cartier-Bresson, on the stunning Greek island of Sifnos

Inspiring Cartier-Bresson's most well-known pictures of all time, the little magnificent island of Sifnos in the Cyclades provides timeless appeal, with unique white architecture, narrow atmospheric streets and revealing secret treasures at every turn, which result in a network of interlocking sunshine reflections and shadows which develop extraordinary geometric shapes sure to lure any professional photographer.

Popular for the world famous photo of Flora running home up the narrow actions, it is easy to see why Cartier-Bresson liked this island so much. The trip aims to http://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/?action=click&contentCollection&region=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/iles des cyclades uncover the interesting secrets that he discovered all those years back. Based in the town of Anthousa, the tour will check out some real gems in here residential area areas distributed around this small stunning island.

Trip tutor Peter Hendrie has actually worked along with Charlie Waite, who has actually followed Cartier-Bresson's style of photography for many years, so has a large understanding base in which to recognize the erections and components that Cartier-Bresson was subsequently famous for. These remarkable places provide neutral tones along with shapes made with natural light and reflections. Peter influences photographers to produce reliable black and white images and to use the discipline required to genuinely capture the essence of this marvelous island.

Peter has actually lived and worked in and around North Devon and Exmoor all his life. Peter started his individual his journey serving an apprenticeship at Appledore shipyard as a shipwright, Peter chose to alter his profession when he relocated to the heart of Exmoor Country Park in 1988, where if started to pursue his enthusiasm for photography. Attending seven Light & Land tours as a photographer, the first being with Charlie Waite on a journey to Andulacia in 1988, where he began to develop his design. Peter's love of Exmoor is shown through images featured in several publications consisting of 2 photography books, Country Life, Practical Photography and other nation magazines, calendars and cards. Peters existing book functions panoramic images from around the world, sure to motivate any creative mind.


This tour is expected to be popular this year. Using a genuinely stunning island teamed with a world-renowned professional photographer that takes this tour to new and exciting heights. The island itself is easily accessible, nevertheless transport tothe island is not included in the trip. Advice on travel will be supplied with the trip info.