
Everything That You Need To Learn About The Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)


Generally, hair loss and thinning hair are considered typical as we grow older; however, they can also be caused by medical conditions or damage to the scalp. A hair transplant may be an option for certain people suffering from hair loss, either for aesthetic or reconstructive reasons.


In the article today, we will be talking about the very important FUE hair transplant method that people of New York often prefer to choose. So, now let us begin with it!


What Is Follicular Hair Transplant?

A form of hair transplant surgery that includes the extraction of numerous hair follicles from a donor area of the body, generally the sides and back of the head, is known as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).


They are then implanted into the compromised regions to restore their natural appearance. When it comes to males with male pattern baldness, the characteristic horseshoe region will be the most prominent.


In recent years, FUE has gained popularity over FUT because it is less probable to be done in a "hair plug" appearance, in which parts of skin or hair do not match the surrounding regions. Aside from that, it will not leave a significant scar as FUT does.


When it comes to FUE hair transplant in New York, the greatest candidates have hair thinning but still have sufficient hair nearby to use for the procedure.


How Does The FUE Works?

Individual hair follicles usually contain between one and four hairs, which are extracted during the procedure. Also, no need to fear pain since the entire procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The extraction process uses a micro surgical extraction device with a diameter ranging between 0.6mm and 1.0mm to remove the follicles from the scalp.


Puncturing the scalp region that will receive the grafts is then done by the surgeon using specialized microsurgical needles. When it comes to weaving in the hair, the surgeons are masters in inserting the grafts at an inclination and density that matches the original hair, resulting in a hair pattern that appears natural and authentic.


How Much Time Does It Take?

One single long session of FUE hair transplantation or a series of smaller sessions are also options. The FUE hair transplant surgery takes longer to complete, but it does not leave the visible and characteristic scars left by other types of surgeries. The time required for an FUE procedure might vary, but the number of grafts needed mainly determines it. It is possible to accomplish a lesser surgery in a couple of hours if just about 200 grafts are needed. A more prominent treatment, including around 2,500 to 3,000 grafts, will need a two-day session to complete.


How Long Do The Results Of FUE Hair Transplant Last?

The outcome of the FUE hair transplant in New York is irreversible after the procedure is completed. While the original transplanted hair will fall out a few weeks following treatment, it will grow again thick and healthy.