
Period or Pregnancy Symptoms? Difference

From nature, Women is bestowed with beauty, charm, elegance and attractive physic, but the same nature also cursed this wonderful creature with some hash things such as menstrual cycle, pregnancy pain, and breast issues. Pregnancy gives the worst pain out of it. Girls fear from pregnancy they have too XD, but it is the thing to fear if you are not married. The similarities between period and pregnancy often boosts fear for them. Don’t worry! We will not give you pregnancy care tips, in this blog we will just find a difference between the two: -


·         Abdominal or pelvic cramps

·         Water retention (bloating)

·         Headache and fatigue

·         Breast tenderness

·         Mood swings and irritability

·         Pimples / acne outbreaks

·         Food cravings

The severity of these symptoms are different for every woman, and often fluctuate throughout a woman’s life. Symptoms may even vary from one cycle to the next. Many women find it helpful to track their menstrual cycle and period symptoms in order to identify a pattern. This is also useful if you are trying to conceive because you can identify the times of the month that you will be ovulating, and therefore have the highest probability of conception.

Early Pregnancy Symptoms:

·         Implantation Bleeding (Spotting) and Cramps: These symptoms occur as the zygote attaches to the uterine wall. When implantation occurs, blood vessels in the uterine wall are often ruptured, causing the bleeding. While this can feel similar to the start of a woman’s period, the flow tends to be much lighter. Additionally, the blood tends to vary in colour from a woman’s typical cycle, typically appearing more pink or dark brown, almost rust colored.

·         Nausea and Vomiting: While morning sickness tends not to rear its ugly head until a month or two into a pregnancy, some women may experience these symptoms shortly after implantation. Morning sickness may last throughout the duration of the pregnancy, or it may dissipate after the first trimester.

 ·         Vaginal Discharge: Aside from bleeding, some women will notice a white, milky discharge. This is caused by the increased cell production and thickening of the lining in the uterus, and can last throughout the pregnancy.

 ·         Tiredness and Fatigue: This is a very common early pregnancy symptom because the levels of progesterone in your blood spikes and can cause sleepiness. Progesterone helps maintain the pregnancy, and contributes to the growth of the breast’s milk-producing glands. These symptoms can be noticed as early as one week after conception.

 ·         Breast Tenderness: Similar to period symptoms, the hormonal changes associated with pregnancy can make the breasts tender and painful.

 ·         Frequent Urination: This is an interesting symptom that is caused by the increase blood circulating in a pregnant woman’s body. Since it is the kidneys’ job to process the blood, the extra fluid by-products end up in your bladder. This will continue throughout the pregnancy, and likely worsen in the later trimesters as the growing baby can put pressure directly on the bladder.

 ·         Elevated body Temperature: An elevated core body temperature is another side effect of the increased blood flow during pregnancy. The body’s metabolism is increased, increasing blood flow to the skin, thereby raising the body’s temperature.

·         Food Cravings or Aversions: Both developing food cravings and suddenly noticing a strong distaste for your favorite foods can happen early in your pregnancy. While food cravings are sometimes experienced during menstruation, food aversions are very uncommon.