
Are Second hand mobiles worth purchasing?

Second hand mobiles are worth purchasing as they can save a lot of money and get good quality products. Be careful while buying a used phone.


Used phones for sale can be easily found on classified sites, but the thing is we have to be very careful while purchasing a used product as it might be a damaged or faulty product. Few people just want to make quick money by selling their damaged product very cleverly and if we are not attentive then we might just pay for the faulty product and all the money spent on purchasing the used mobile phone goes waste.


Not all second hand phones are faulty or damaged. Few people try to sell their faulty products not all. Some people want to sell their product because of financial problem or want to buy a newer or higher version of the phone so wants to sell the used mobile at a low cost. There is nothing wrong with buying second hand phone, all we have to be a bit careful while purchasing.

What are second hand mobiles?

Second hand mobiles are those phones that are used by someone for a limited period in the past and then ready to be sold to someone else at a lower cost due to various reasons and factors.


Used phones can be bought at a lower price but it doesn’t have the guarantee that the product is good. It might be a faulty or damaged product, if we couldn’t identify the fault while purchasing the phone then we can face great loss in near future.

But there is an advantage to buy second hand phones sometimes we can get used phones in good condition or almost new like condition as someone wants to sell it due to financial problem or wants to buy another mobile.

Benefits of buying a second hand phone

  • Buying used phones can save you a lot of money. If you want to buy a brand-new Apple iPhone it can cost around 60-90k or even more. But you can buy the same mobile for 20-40k or even less if you buy a second hand mobile.
  • Most of the conditions of the used products are as good as a new phone because most of the phones are used for very little time like 6-7 months or even less than that.
  • As lots of second hand mobiles are used for very few periods you can easily get a warranty on used mobile phones and also with mobile accessories.
  • You can also have insurance of your second hand phone easily due to well-maintained condition.


Is buying a new phone waste of money?

Buying a new phone is not a waste of money. If you have a budget to buy a new phone then you can wish to buy a new phone. Most of the current generation smartphones come with powerful features and the cost of these phones is too high just for few additional specifications and you have to pay an additional GST price too.


After buying a new phone, Most of the users take care of the phone and in a well-maintained condition. After using the phone for more than 6months or over a year we become casual and use the phone roughly and frequently damaging the phone unintentionally and after few more days it might have been completely damaged or you have to pay from your pocket to repair the phone. Buying a new phone is somewhat a waste of money.


If you want to buy a phone for general purposes like browsing, watching videos, or attending online classes, then it is better to buy a used phone as it will cost less, and even if it accidentally gets damaged then it won't be a complete wastage of money as it was a used one and also low cost. Few people understand the true value of buying a used phone and they are the one with greater benefits than other.

Which second hand phone should I buy?

There are no such specific mobile brands if you want to buy second hand mobiles because to buy a good used phone the condition of the phone should be good & how good is the phone running? Everybody wants to buy good used mobile phones for personal as well as general use, we cannot buy a phone seeing a specific brand and even if you buy it, then it is a bad decision.


Second hand phones that you should buy are:

  • A phone that is in well-maintained condition.
  • Always try to buy a phone that is used very little. Lesser the phone used better the quality of the phone.
  • The battery backup of the phone must be good.
  • The phone must be working and running smoothly without getting frozen or getting hanged.
  • Always try to buy a phone that has a warranty included or if you can get insurance for the phone it is much better.


Sell & Buy used phones for a good price

You can sell & buy used phones on the Cifiyah website. It is one of the most trusted sites to buy and sell your products easily and securely. You can get huge varieties and options to buy the cheapest smartphones, cheap iPhones, refurbished iPhones, used iPhones and you can also get good and better cell phone deals & latest gadgets deals than any other classified site.


You can post free ads on classified websites like Cifiyah to sell or buy used phones easily. If you are new to the site then, Register and post an advertisement on the product that you want to want to sell and mention all the details of the product including a good photo of the product to be sold and fix the desired price at which rate you want to sell used mobiles and wait for interested customers to contact you through mail or phone number that you have mentioned it during the time of advertisement.