
Genital Warts Treatment; Helps Get Rid of the Warts, But Cannot Cure Them or HPV

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poojasalve @poojasalve · Feb 17, 2022

Genital warts treatment includes topical anti-tumor medications that can applied directly to the warts or a surgery to remove them. Genital warts are soft growths that appear on the genitals. They can cause pain, discomfort, and itching. It is a sexually transmitted infection caused due to human papilloma virus (HPV), a viral infection that's passed between people through skin-to-skin contact. The fastest way to remove them is through surgery or to freeze them off with liquid nitrogen. Some doctors might use an electric current or laser treatment to burn off the warts. Some people have genital warts just once, while others have recurring outbreaks.


Genital warts treatment can get rid of the warts, but it can't cure them or HPV. Genital warts can be mistaken for harmless things like skin tags, moles, or penile pearly papules (small bumps found around the penis and at the entrance of the vagina). A doctor should check any warts or other symptoms that suggest infection with the HPV or another sexually transmitted infection (STI). If left untreated, genital warts may stay the same, disappear, and/or grow larger in size or number. Over time, most warts eventually go away without treatment. Apple cider vinegar may treat genital warts, as it is similar to drugs that use acidic ingredients to kill off the virus.




The best genital warts treatment involves a combination of methods to eliminate the lesions. There are many natural remedies, but the most effective is a medical treatment. These include using an iquimod cream, which boosts the local immune system and produces proteins that kill the HPV that causes the warts. These treatments are not without risks. Some people find that the warts recur, so it is important to consult a doctor before beginning any regimen. A doctor will first conduct a physical examination to check for symptoms. If the genital warts are found, a biopsy will be done or other tests will be done to rule out internal warts.

Unlike other forms of genital warts treatment, medical procedure will not completely eliminate the warts. It will reduce the chances of recurrence of the disease by clearing the infection from the body over time. Genital warts are small growths that may be flesh colored, pinkish white, or gray. There are many different types, and they often grow in clusters of three or four. These growths can occur inside the vagina, cervix, or urethra, and are usually harmless. However, they can become very painful and cause a great deal of itching, bleeding, and discomfort. They often go away on their own, unless they become infected with other STDs, like syphilis.


Treatment options for genital warts depend on the severity of the condition. Genital warts can be treated with prescription medication applied to the warts and/or can be surgically removed. Luckily, the human body is very skilled at clearing HPV infections. Most patients find that their genital warts disappear with time, even if the warts aren't treated. Genital warts treatment can get rid of the warts, but it can't cure them or HPV.