
A Ditz of a Lifeguard


Original story by Nimue/PepeSecret/AlternativehatDog21

Caption Version

Image sources: Danbooru, pixivFANBOX


“Ah, this really is the best job ever. Where else can I watch hot girls wearing as little as possible while on the clock?” Jake chuckled to himself. The tanned 23-year-old man was fresh out of college, but like most summers, he was working as a beach lifeguard. As he said, he loved his job. Sure, the work part of his job actually kind of sucked, but he got to watch all the hot girls he could ever want prancing around the beach in skimpy swimsuits. Jake always hoped that one of them would be a poor swimmer so he would get the chance to save one and give her some “mouth to mouth,” but alas, whenever Jake actually stepped down from his watchtower to do his lifeguarding duties, it was never to save anyone he’d actually want to put his lips to. Jake did his job and saved them regardless, but his attitude gained a negative reputation as a bad lifeguard, and people tried to avoid the sections of the beach he watched over. Nevertheless, enough bikini-clad bombshells stayed that it didn’t bother him too much. As long as Jake could babewatch, he was happy.


On one particularly hot summer day, Jake was trying to beat the heat by surveying the area for anyone in trouble, but as usual, he mostly had his eyes out for cute beach bunnies. “Dude, these girls should really consider taking off their tops if they’re so hot. It’s not like a lot of people are here...” Jake grumbled to himself while wiping some sweat from his face.

“Oh, is that what you want?” A voice said from Jake’s side. Jake looked to his left and saw an absolutely stunning beach babe with short blonde hair standing next to his lifeguard stand. Jake, thinking he had just struck gold, gave a big grin as he looked down at her from his loft.

“Hey babe, what brings a bombshell like you here?” Jake said, turning on his flirt. The woman gave a coy smile before responding.
“I was just going to go for a swim and I want to make sure you’ll be checking the water for me. There’s lots of predators that might be dangerous for women like me on this beach.”
“Oh, don’t worry. I’ll totally be keeping a close eye on you,” Jake said, but his tone was a bit more aggressive than before. “But you know, you could do something that will help me watch you?”
“Like what?” The woman said, a little annoyed by Jake’s aggressive mannerisms.
“Like, how about you go topless? I’d watch you all day,” Jake said with a smile and raised eyebrows. The woman scowled.


“So my friends were right about how much of a sexist pig you were.”
“Oh come on! If you are going to call me a pig, then you are a slut! Why else would you dress like that and go talk to a guy?”
“I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, but it seems like I was wrong about you.”
“Oh, boo hoo. What are you going to do about it?” The angry woman looked like she was about to walk away and forget she ever met Jake, but her scowl soon changed into a smirk.
“You know, I have a great idea. How’d you like to spend the day getting intimate with one of those sexy sluts like you keep hoping will happen?”

Jake eagerly jumped down from his lifeguard tower.
“My place or yours?”
“Neither. I’m going to do this beach a favor and turn their resident boorish shark into a beach bunny.”


The woman snapped her fingers, and a bright light suddenly blinded Jake. After the spots in his eyes faded, Jake saw that everything on the beach appeared to be frozen in place.

“What the-?!”
“And now that I have some privacy...” Jake was reminded of the woman’s existence and quickly learned she wasn’t frozen as well. Jake suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head and heard a ringing that irritated him.
Jake pressed his hands to his head in pain, but he found he was grasping his hair which began to feel strangely… longer? He gasped as he felt hair growing and flowing down his back.
“My hair!?”
She snapped her fingers again and Jake clutched his arm. His muscles lost a lot of their tone, and all of his body hair burned right off as he developed a deep bronze tan. After a few seconds in this frozen world, his shoulders were less broad and his hands were quite dainty.

Jake grabbed his chest in shock. Feeling the pressure building up in his ribs, he began to guess what this woman was doing to him. His fears were confirmed as his pecs began to grow out and inflate. He pressed his palms against his pecs in a desperate attempt to stop their growth, but his nipples became so sensitive that he had to lower his hands. Meanwhile, his belly curved into itself a bit as Jake’s belly body fat relocated into the ample pair of boobs he now possessed. Jake blushed when his new boobs finished growing. He crossed his arms underneath them to try and hold them steady, but his slenderized arms weren’t able to stop his large tits from bouncing around as he rapidly breathed in and out.


Jake was panicking, but he turned his gaze towards the woman responsible for these changes and growled at her.

“Okay, bitch. You’d better--” 

“Oh, be quiet!” The woman snapped her fingers and Jake’s threat was stopped in its tracks as he became mute. “Now, where was I? Oh yes.”


She snapped her fingers three times. An instant later, Jake’s throat became smooth. He wouldn’t be able to growl out threats anytime soon without them coming out in a sultry and husky woman’s voice.


When Jake brought his hands to his neck, he could tell something was happening to his face from the narrow point of his chin felt on the back of his hands. It wouldn’t be until after the transformation when he looked at himself in the mirror that was the surface of the ocean that he would see just how soft and sensuously feminine his new face was, but he had an idea of what was happening to his rugged looks that he prided himself on. In fact, the changes went deeper than his face. A few connections in his brain were rewired, and despite everything happening to him, Jake felt… like, totally calm and stuff.


The woman snapped her fingers and Jake was able to speak once again.


“Oh my Gawd, like, what the heck did you just--” Jake gasped like a woman not just at his new voice, but his new way of using it.

“What? You said you wanted to get acquainted with one of those beach sluts you fawn over.”

“Yeah, but like, this is totally not what I meant!” Jake said as he stamped his foot on the ground in a huff. “C’mon, gurl, this totally isn’t fair! You like, have to change me back!” he begged.

“But I’m not quite done yet, and you have just a few changes left to truly make you a beach bunny.”


As the woman snapped her fingers, Jake fell to his knees and grabbed his crotch. He began to uncontrollably jerk himself with his girlish new hands through his white swim trunks, but he couldn’t get to the point of orgasming. As he chased a release from this maddening arousal he was feeling, his hips widened so much, giving him an hourglass figure and the perfect frame to bear children. His ass inflated much like his chest, taking in whatever excess body fat he had left. Jake gained some nice and thicc thunder thighs that were straining the legs of his swim trunks.


Now, everything about him made him the ideal beach bunny... except one very important thing.

Jake felt his penis shrinking. He panted as it receded further and further into his body. His fingers followed until they slid into a wet slit where her penis once was. Jake let out a loud girly “Kyaaaah!~” shriek as she pleasured herself to an orgasm. After she felt relief from cumming as a woman, she fell on her back, softly panting.


“Like, wow” was all she could say when she caught her breath. She felt elated after her coital bliss and giggled softly for a second before realizing what she was doing. She stifled her girlish laughter with a groan as the woman smiled and held out her hand to pick Jake up. Jake was reluctant at first, but took the offer.
“Like, pretty please, can you change me back now?” Jake said with a doe-eyed expression and a cheery voice of a girl asking for a favor. As she pleaded with the woman responsible for her transformation, she began to notice her clothes had changed from her normal boy lifeguard shirt and trunks to sexy female ones more fitting for her beach babe body, complete with a revealing bikini top and a see-through beach sundress.


“That will all depend on you and whether or not you can control yourself.”
“Like, what the heck does that mean?!”
“The curse will wear off as long as you don’t flirt with the opposite sex.”
“‘Don’t flirt with the opposite sex?’” Jake repeated as she put one of her dainty hands to her narrow chin and shifted her gaze off into the distance like a ditz.
“Hehe, good luck ‘Jacqueline,’” the woman said as she snapped her fingers for the last time.


In an instant, everything was unfrozen and the woman was gone, but Jacqueline was still a beach bunny. “‘Don’t flirt with the opposite sex,’ huh? Well, she may have made me look like a girl, but I’m like, totally still a man at heart!” Jacqueline said to herself. She went back to her lifeguard stand. She was able to avoid eye contact with any women, but she caught herself multiple times staring at men. She would blush and move her hand down to her crotch, but would always stop herself short.
“No Jacqueline! Come on girl, you’re totally not into dudes! Like, why would I find them so hunky… and strong… and capable….” She began to fidget as she slipped into a daydream and ignored her lifeguard duties. “Hunks, huh…? Like, maybe they aren’t so- gah! Like, why do I like dudes all of a sudden?!”


“Why wouldn’t a cute girl like you not like men?” A voice said from Jacqueline’s side. She saw one of the most handsome men she had ever laid eyes on.
“I...I....” Jacqueline choked up and her entire face turned red. “Oh, you are like, totally handsome!” she said and gave a playful wave. “What? Am I flirting with this dude?” Jacqueline tried to keep her head straight but many conflicting thoughts invaded her mind. One side told her that she was totally not into dudes, but the other side craved them…
“Like what you see?” The man flexed his muscles which made Jacqueline’s heart throb and her chest ache.
“...so manly…” “No, why I’m I like acting so girly?! This is, like, totally wrong! I should be like, more of a ditz!” 


Jacqueline’s feminine side won over and she got off of her stand. She approached the hunky man and “accidentally” tripped on a nearby surfboard. “Kyaaah!~” she cried as she fell onto the man and pushed him to the ground, pressing her soft boobs against his hard chest. She found her hands grasping his arms, his big, strong, capable arms….
“Oops, like I’m totally sorry!” “Fight it girl! Yes, make him want you! He’s sooo hot...” What was left of Jake’s masculinity was very clearly failing. Jacqueline knew that being with this man any long long could spell disaster for her identity, but she couldn’t fight these urges. She had rubbed against the man’s waist… and she couldn’t help but feel wet despite being far away from the water.


“Haha, I just love beach bunnies like you! Always so ditzy.” The man stood up while holding Jacqueline close to his chest. Jacqueline blushed even harder and began to lose herself a little as she continued to flirt.
“So like, do you want to hang out sometime?”
“I was going to play some volleyball with my friends,” the man said as he pointed to a volleyball court filled with even more hunky men.
“Oh!” Jacqueline blushed and without asking, rushed over to the volleyball court.
“Hi dudes! My name is Jacqueline, but you can call me Jacky! Can I play?” The man quickly followed Jacqueline and made sure to give a good slap to her ass.
“Kah!” “Wow, I even got, like, my ass slapped!”
“This babe right here, let me tell you, she’s a keeper.”
“I’m like, totally excited to play!”


During the volleyball game, Jacqueline couldn’t help herself but flirt with the other men. It got to the point when she began to flash for the other team whenever they scored a point. “Oops! Just showed them my boobies! I guess it can’t be helped when they’re this big and bouncy!”
It went on for hours before most of the men began to leave.
“Say, Jacky, you’re a really cute girl,” one of the men, but not the original man who approached her, said to her.
“Hehe, thanks~” Jacky said as her face flushed in the setting sun.
“Say, are you busy tonight?”
“Uh… what do you, like, mean?”
“I mean,” the man poked Jacqueline's boobs and made them jiggle. “Do you want to ‘explore’ my room with me?”
“Explore?” “Well, she said like said opposite sex right? That means like girls since I was like a man? I mean…”
“Oh, like totally!” Jacqueline said, throwing herself into the man’s arms with a happy giggle. The man grinned and led Jacqueline to his car, making sure to grasp her ass as she walked with a saucy sway to her wide hips. “Like, I hope he doesn’t see that I’m this wet already!”


Meanwhile, the man who approached Jacqueline earlier in the afternoon watched as she was led away and grinned. A woman walked up to her with a slightly concerned look on her face.
“So, does that mean she failed?” The woman asked. The man let out a long laugh and suddenly changed into the woman that transformed Jake in the first place.
“Girl, he never stood a chance.”