
What is the best way to prepare for Mains answer writing?

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Arun Kumar @Arun_Kumar5 · Feb 15, 2022

With the most extreme conviction, I can say that the response Mains Answer writing in UPSC CSE is unquestionably an alternate ball game!

I know one of my companions who was an alum from IIML, an enthusiastic book peruse and who won article composing challenges on many events including one at the lofty IISc, Bangalore yearly exposition composing rivalry.

Our whole companion circle used to be in stinkingness with his flawless composing abilities. Be that as it may, when his last stamps turned out in UPSC, he had got just 115 out of the 250 Numbers which is absolutely probably the most minimal imprint in the article paper in UPSC CSE! Furthermore post-results we were like 'Huh, truly, UPSC'?




Anyway, you get the point?

The point I am attempting to make here is that the response writing in UPSC is extremely less worried about your control over the language. All things being equal, it is more with regards to the amount you present, inside how long and in what way I, e portrayal of answer is the spirit of the response alongside the substance. Rest are definitely not needed.

The best technique subsequently I find is-steady practice. Practice until you excel at creating a response of 200-225 words which includes everything-from realities to current undertakings to closing comments.


While composing a response ensure following three topics should reflect in your response:


You know precisely what you are approached to compose and you are not feigning.

You comprehend fundamental ideas and have significant substance to compose over.

Your response should not be revolutionary, inflexible, halfway, compelled, subject-explicit, and in particular philosophy based. So how to make these previously mentioned issues to be apparent in your response?


First thing is to have a talent of this specialty of associating your response with the current turns of events. This would mirror that you see well what the analyst has asked you. By doing this despite the fact that you have less substance in your response than others still you get marks at standard with others in light of your impression. 

The initial feeling is that the up-and-comer sees well the idea and furthermore has experience with current turns of events.


Also, you should thoroughly comprehend the fundamental ideas. You shouldn't be in rush to expound on anything you know once you see a few natural catchphrases in the inquiry. You simply compose considerable substance to settle the score normal imprints.

Thirdly, your response should be developed one. It ought not be simply shrinking away from the real issue type, inflexible, narrow minded, subject-explicit or philosophy based.


I have felt during my course of readiness that when you take answer composing truly and practice on regular schedule, these things naturally began reflecting in your answers.

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You begin having this skill on with what to begin, what to write in body and with what you ought to finish up. Simply practice. 

In morals paper, you should not stop for a second from composing what your heart says. Empty your feelings into the responses however remember the above rules. Sit back and relax. You will pro it.