
What's the difference between reconstructive and cosmetic procedures?

"Plastic surgery" comes from the Greek word "plastikos," which meaning "to shape or mould." Plastic surgery can be divided into two categories: reconstructive and cosmetic operations. Both are considered plastic surgery subspecialties in general.


Reconstructive plastic surgery

Reconstructive surgery is used to address abnormalities caused by birth defects, injuries, or medical illnesses such as cancer, and to restore function and appearance. Cleft lip and palate repair, breast reconstruction after a lumpectomy or mastectomy for breast cancer, and burn injury reconstruction are all examples of reconstructive surgery. Most health insurance policies cover reconstructive surgery because it is considered medically essential.


Cosmetic plastic surgery

Cosmetic surgery aims to improve overall appearance by altering and changing normal anatomy to make it more appealing visually. Cosmetic surgery, unlike reconstructive surgery, is not considered medically necessary. Cosmetic surgery operations include breast augmentation, breast lift, liposuction, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), and facelift.



How are they similar?

In actuality, because they share many of the same basic surgical concepts, reconstructive and cosmetic plastic surgery frequently overlap. Regardless of the type of plastic surgery performed, the ultimate goal should always be to achieve the best possible cosmetic result. Patients should discuss the expected cosmetic result with their surgeon ahead of time, regardless of the plastic surgery technique being considered, to ensure that reasonable expectations are realised.

When it comes to insurance coverage, the distinction between reconstructive and cosmetic surgery is even more muddled. Depending on the patient's situation, certain disorders can be classified as "reconstructive" or "cosmetic." Rhinoplasty (nose surgery) is an excellent example. It is commonly performed to improve the appearance of the nose, but it may also be required to restore normal nasal breathing and appearance after a serious nasal fracture.