
Height Increase Exercises - So Simple to Follow Yet So Effective in Results!

30 Best Exercises To Increase Height

It definitely can be frustrating living your adult life being shorter than the people around you. You always seem to be at a disadvantage when it comes to career success. In fact, statistical research shows how an extra inch of height above average can earn you at least an additional $1000 a year in salary! Cruelly biased, but that is the way of the modern world.

But you don't have to live the rest of your life being shortchanged just because of your lack of height. Because even though changing the mindset of humans is beyond your capability, you can workout on height increase exercises which would help you gain some extra inches in height how to increase height after 18 for male!

It's true. Exercising to increase your height is not some idea a loony "inventor" came up with. Height increase exercises are a result of clinical studies which proves the average adult body still has potential to grow taller through a special regimen of stretching routines.

The base of this technique lies in correcting the way your spine (which accounts for about 40% of your tallness) is aligned and also in stimulating the pituitary glands in your brain to output a higher amount of human growth hormones naturally.

Stretching exercises help to stretch the spine gradually and lessen its curvatures, and ultimately extend the spine to reach its maximum possible length. Generally these exercises can help lengthen the spine by about 1 inch or more, which of course also means increasing your height by about the same amount.

Certain types of exercises also help stimulate the production of growth hormones into your system to aid your body's growth process once again. Although your bones may no longer grow longer, a higher amount of growth hormone will help your bones as well as the cartilage at the ends of your thigh and shin bones to thicken. This too, of course, adds a bit to your existing height.