ChiroCynergy Chiropractic in Wilmington, NC- Treatments
Applied-Kinesiology in Wilmington, NC
Applied Kinesiology uses muscle testing as an important tool to check body function. By testing muscles we can assess functional imbalances in the body leading to a regiment of chiropractic, myofascial release, acupressure and nutritional counseling. Common conditions tested with Applied Kinesiology include:
- Muscle weakness, joint dysfunction, pinched nerves
- Problems in the neck and back
- Problems in the feet, ankles, knees, hands, wrist, elbows, and shoulders
- Gastric Reflux Symptoms/GERD
- Foot Orthotics, Pronation and Gait Analysis
- Nutritional Testing for Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs
- Food and Environmental Sensitivity Testing
Through applied kinesiology, our chiropractors can determine underlying causes of pain and other health issues and treat the whole body, not just the joints. Applied kinesiology involves many techniques. Going to a kinesiologist is like going to a naturopath, physical therapist, acupuncturist, massage therapist and nutritionist all in one.
Book Now at ChiroCynergy Chiropractic - Dr. Matthew Bradshaw, Dr. Hilary Rutledge The Best Chiropractors in Wilmington, NC.
Call us: (910) 368-1528
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Address: 5725 Oleander Drive Suite B6, Wilmington, NC 28403